Galrath: I don't want something exactally like that head, it was just something to show them on what I wanted, and you chose the price, but make it reasonable.

Flexonator: I don't want a mouth, and if the eyes wern't, no need for pupils, just make the eyes glowing, and make the head 2 colors, insted of one

C'mon people, I'm still accepting new ones
ill do it i have no idea wat kind of head u wanted
Last edited by RDC; Aug 26, 2008 at 10:27 AM.
JaCk Is BaCk
Something along the lines of the picture at the first post, and War_Hero's head, Glowing eyes, no pupils, just glowing ovals, and the head should have 1 or 2 of those colors, or there shades, Auqa, Marine, Demon, or Pure