I dont get people.... I removed the posts and stuff for people to stop going to this thread to get themselves a head now, since it opposes as a problem to so many people
I didnt "steal anything"
I drew a head with loads of similarity to another head because I used it as a template
Heres a post where the head was sold^^^^^^^^^^
Now THAT HEAD. Drawn by Zeto, is not the head i Drew. there is similarity. now let me add something I found in game:
Now that is a stolen head. (I redded out the name of the player)
you can clearly see the watermark of the stolen head
NOW ON MY HEAD. I made it, I made it with my bare hands and my computer and stuff, inspired and using Zetos head as a template. you can CLEARLY see the difference between the two heads.
I dont see how Im gonna get "punished" with simply making a f*cking head.