Hey guys. I'm morals, some of you know me, some of you don't. But I'm here applying for vintage.

-Why you want to join Vintage- I want to join vintage because you guys seem like a pretty good, active clan. I feel that I could benefit this clan tc wise, Ingame wise, and forum wise. I have high loyalty if I am in a clan. When I was in crooks. I donated nearly 1 million tc to crooks for events Ect, (even though they blew it on dumb things) -.- but I feel I can help this clan thrive, and become better. And I feel that it could make me better also.

-Some facts about yourself- I've played toribash since 2008, I have had 4 accounts, counting this one. I love this game

-Interests- I'm really interested in sports, I play football basketball and baseball. I'm pretty good at all of them also. One of my hobbies is just to scroll the forums too.

-Age-* I'm am 17, I will be 18 in March.

-Best Mods in Toribash- I only play aikidobigdojo, nothing else

Forums (1-10) 10
Ingame (1-10) 4

-Previous clans- Sigma(quit because my irc quit on me and it was the only way I could communicate with my clan.) and crooks,(I was the leader, donated almost 1 mil tc, and greatly approved them, but quit because they stopped trying to better themselves so they will probably die soon.)

-Alts-* pwnsors101, 10th dan. pwnsors102, 8th dan. Trustact, green belt I think. And morals, custom belt.

-Additional Comments-* I really hope you guys accept me. I'm a really well rounded person and easy to get along with :]
I'm 17, Since i got a Ipad about 2 months ago i'm really active on the forums and even before my little toribash tablet (Hehe That's that i call it.) I've always been active on the forums and if its really necessary I'm about a 9/10 in forum activity. Now since most of the time I'm on Photo Shop or Forums i don't really get on as much as i should ingame wise BUT i am on more then often, Like said with my topic of my Forum Activity if necessary im about a 7/10..

Sooo mah name is Danny, Most of the time my ign's are SirVooDoo Slick213 or Kitty (I like to be girl-ish Hehe) Anyways Ummmmm there really is nothing special about me i like anime i like Photoshop and I vape... Idk if that's special so yea
Umm i'm not new to Tb i've been here since 2012 or late 2011 I don't really remember i did quit for a while cuz i got banned #RipKitty I've only been in 4 clans Ethereal, Hunter, Voc, & Fight Club i was going to join Fl0w but that didn't happen.
I guess i gotta go personal now um i'm 17, currently living in Texas but will move to Cali in about a month #TheHeatIsRealInTexas

Ummm i dont have a favorite mod because all i play is Akido And/Or Akido Big Dojo..Unless you count that as a favorite mod XD..

For the reason i want to join Vintage. Honest to god opinion, Idk i just wana do something new. You know? But yea for real this clan seems like a very mature and calm clan and that's something I've been looking for.

I can hopefully give to the clan, organization of events or shops, making others laugh, making textures ,And uhh really that's about it there really is nothing eles that I personally can say I can help the clan with.

Heres something a lil extra because i feel that since im good with textures i should show my work.
(One of the heads are free to use if you want... Color Scheme is Hunter and Amethyst)


I make textures n stuff.... And i love hentai. Peace and love <3

-Why you want to join Vintage-
I want to join vintage because there a highquality clan,I like there members cuz there respected and active, I like to join the clan to support the clan any way it be possible And i like the clan name.

-Some facts about yourself-
1)Most of my time i do (spar,parkour,mas,tricking,sp replays)
2)Poor in tb
3)I like to support any way it seems possible to me
4)I play soccer <3
I play most of my day on toribash (all the day sometimes) just practising to get better that is my way to perfection, In summer i do play soccer with my team in league in my country.


-Best Mods in Toribash-
Xspar,Mas,parkour mods,Abd,TK

Forums (6)
Ingame (9.5)

-Previous clans-
I was in a clan named force long time ago after i joined Xperience (xp) Then i joined sector 7 >>
then i liked to settle up for a bit after i put my iterest on vintage .

Sick feeling (I dont use it ) And detailed is not my alt he is my brother (Just to know)

-Additional Comments-*
I hope you liked my app and enjoyed reading it, and i can add replays as well, thaks for reading.

~Risk Every Thing
-why i want to join vintage-
hi i'm Agzet i'm looking for an active clan like yours and i think we will be able to do great things together
- three facts about me-
i'm into combat games, i can avoid hitting the ground fast and swift,and i work really hard to do what job is asked of me. i'm also good at countering moves.
well my interest include being able to learn the human body and how it works in bad situations. i'm also interested in art and such. i do animations on my good days and make music on wednsday afternoons.
-best mods-
i'm good at all judo and aikido. and okay in wushu.
-how active-
forums 6 in game 9
none but i think this is the best start i have

(all around your an awesome clan with amazing people and i want to be apart of it.)
PlsDontKillMe, I would like to see some more forum activity from you before accepting you. Denied for now.

Azget, you have been denied, you are too new.
-Why you want to join Vintage-
Vintage is a very good-looking clan, and I hope to have a bit of fun while in it.

-Some facts about yourself-
I, with Flunked, play osu!, League of Legends, and other games like CS:GO and DotA 2

Games, Tournaments, normal things.

16 years.

-Best Mods in Toribash-
Mushu, beg_ballgore, aikido, and most parkour mods.

Forums (4-10) (I lurk way more often than I post, so I won't cause any misshaps.
Ingame (10-10) (On most of the time of each day)

-Previous clans-


-Additional Comments-*
There's nothing much else to know about me, though i'd appreciate any questions in PM.
Hello guys and my name is Jihad Scott.And I'm here to apply to this clan.

Why do you want to join vintage?
•I want to join vintage because I can see that you guys are filled with strong players and I can see this clan going far.I see a lot of AkidoBigDojo pros in this clan and since akidobigdojo is the mod I'm most skilled in this clan fits perfect for me.

Some facts about yourself.
•I am a cool and funny guy
•I am also very competitive.So when it comes to clan wars I go all out
•I am just a a cool guy to be around.I love making new friends and just joke around.
•I love to play sports.

•I like to fight.I mean like organized fights because I take MMA
•I love going to party's and chillin with friends
•I love playing games
•And I love getting goodbgrades .A little weird isn't it

•I am 14,just turned 14 in october.But I am very mature for my age

Best mods in toribash
•AkidoBigDojo(My best and favorite mod)
•And parkor based mods

•My forum activity is a 9/10.I do be on the forums a lot its just that I don't post that much on the forums.But if I get into this clan I will have a thread to post on to boost my forum activity.
•My in game activity is also a 9/10.I be in game a lot.I like it more in game than on the forums,in game is were the action is at.

Previous clans
•(Velocity) but most people know them by (AoH)
If you need to know the reasoning behind me leaving those clans just ask me

•I only have one alt and the name of that is "Ballicker"

Now,before I end my application I want to tell you guys a little about myself.You probably already know this but I take MMA.I love to fight.I also play starting middle linebacker for my high schools football team.But sadly I play 2nd string pointguard for my schools basketball team.My school only has varsity basketball,it sucks right.I am also about to start working at teds so I am going to have to find a way yo balance all of these programs out or maybe even drop some.I am pretty good in school.I am around a all B student in all of my classes.And this is my first year in highschool so I'm pretty proud about that.But yeah,that's pretty much all I can tell you about myself,the rest you just have to get to know me and you will find out more.Thanks for reading my application and I hope I get accepted into this wonderful clan.

P.S please don't reject me because of my belt.Because usually clans say "You are to going in the game" or your not experienced enough".I am pretty skilled for my belt and if you don't believe me just meet me in game.I also have a few people in this clan that can vouch for me.Alien and tabwater.Also if I need replays for this app I can't upload them right now because I'm on my tabket .Either way I don't think replays show the players skill.