I had this problem before but while experimenting i found out that right bending lumbar and chest plus extended glutes and contracting pecs (you can grab if u want i dont)then voila your enemys right arm is gone you can do this with left bend chest and lumbar for the left arm
Originally Posted by chacha6464 View Post
This is actually a youtube move....Called the snap kick

I call this bullshit.

This is a Snapkick.

So extend left hip, extend left ankle, contract right hip, contract right knee, contract abs, space, extend right knee (if you want it as simple as possible).
I do it near the same.
Contract pecs
Double grab
Right rotate chest
Extend both glutes.
Contract Right knee
Contract right hip
Extend left hip


Right bend Lumbar
Lower Shoulders
Extend abs

Kick. boom no arm.
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Originally Posted by oOMEGLES View Post
I do it near the same.
Contract pecs
Double grab
Right rotate chest
Extend both glutes.
Contract Right knee
Contract right hip
Extend left hip


Right bend Lumbar
Lower Shoulders
Extend abs

Kick. boom no arm.

Doesnt work.
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Dude, there is a lot way to kick man, Snapkick is just basic, a realistic kick (high kick for example) is based on Snapkick.
The most important joints for a good kick are:
pecs: to manage to weight of your arm
chest: to put your tori on the side.
leg left (for example, the one who stay on the ground): to anchor your tori on the ground or to make a pivot.
Right leg: the one who give the kick.
Glutes: to give the right angle to your legs and get power.

+some joint to accurate the speed or your balance (like ankle) and you got a good kick or many variations.
Impro man, it's good for start.
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