Original Post
%100 Opacity Join Textures
the current joint textures are like this :
Every white area counts as %0 opacity and it doesnt actually become white
but it changes to the layer under the texture wich is the colour of the force/relax

There should be a new joint besides the old joint like this :
the White areas count as white and they dont count as %0 opacity
this would be really usefull when somebody wants most joints to be for example black
but only one joint to be white
so he doesnt have to buy pure force then buy joint textures for the whole other body joints

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Q/A :
Q/ but this gives the players a good reason not to buy force and relax colours anymore because now they can just colour it with the textures
A/ this will never work like a force/relax colour
because a joint changes to relax colour when relaxed and changes to force colour when forced.

if you think that doesnt fix it, then maybe add alittle more to the price of it

but i personally think this should be cheaper than the current joint textures
because the old ones still show the force/relax colour and this new one doesnt show it.

so im basically saying: there should be 2 type of joint textures
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please reply below if you agree with this idea to support it
pure force, which you already have
void lax, which you already have
and a left shoulder joint texture with a black circle, in this case is making a line on the top of the template the circle.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Originally Posted by Goughy View Post
I don't have a force on and this is what it looks like

While playing:

In replay:

If this still isnt what you mean then I'm so damn baffled. If you would like I can explain how joint textures work to you in detail over PM.

this doesnt work for me
heres what i want to be exact :

i have a set wich has FULL HUNTER COLOURS
like the whole set is the colour of ( Hunter )

but theres one joint ( left elbow joint ) wich i want that joint ALONE
to be white
and the rest of the joints to be black ( hunter )

and i dont think its worth it to buy ( pure force + all of the joint textures besides left elbow joint )

so i want to buy a left elbow joint wich can be coloured to white
while my other joints are the colour of my force ( hunter/black )
Wouldn't it be better in cases like that to be able to set a joint colour for a specific body part?

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Wouldn't it be better in cases like that to be able to set a joint colour for a specific body part?

if i didnt missunderstand you
then nope its not better that way

because noobs like me can never get 10,000 QI
so even if i am allowed to put pure force on my left elbow ALONE ( if thats what you mean )
then i cant do it because of the QI
+it will cost me the TC of full joints only for one joint ?

#on the previous reply i said white because i didnt want to make it complicated
what i actually mean is white with some textures

so i don't think its a good idea.
Last edited by Flease; Dec 6, 2014 at 11:57 AM.
Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
pure force, which you already have
void lax, which you already have
and a left shoulder joint texture with a black circle, in this case is making a line on the top of the template the circle.

sorry it was wrong example of problem

here is right example: void force+pure lax
the current joints were made for no use of force and to look good in replays, if you have a problem with them in the fight, qs or pure might work but if you're still not okay with it, that's too bad
Originally Posted by socraties View Post
the current joints were made for no use of force and to look good in replays, if you have a problem with them in the fight, qs or pure might work but if you're still not okay with it, that's too bad

the fact that i want only 1 white joint texture and my other joints to be black
and i have to buy pure force + all of the joint textures ...
if the joint texture could be coloured to white then i had to buy hunter force + 1 joint texture.

yes it actually Is too bad, i agree.