Age: 14
From 1-10 forum activity: 4-6
from 1-10 ingame activity: 8
Why you wanna join this clan: I like this clan and its players and i love clans that war alot..
Bans/infractions and why: None
With what can you help us: I can make a youtube for the clan
GMT: gmt +3
Country where you we're born: I was born at England..
You're main language: My Main Language is English
Any alts if you have any: None
Skype: Ibrahem20012 or
If you need any replays just ask and i hope i get accepted ty for looking at it
Age: 16
Forum activity: 2-3
ingame activity: currently 7-8
Why you wanna join this clan: Because you guys seem like a fun group of people, and I would like to help you get to the top of the rankings if I am helped with some skills.
Bans/infractions and why: None
With what can you help us: You help me get a bit better than I am and I will stick with you guys to get up to the position of #1 in the clans list
GMT-5 (I go by EST)
Country where you we're born: USA (I hate it here ;-;)
You're main language: English
Any alts if you have any: RCNFL364 (rarely used)
Skype: naruhinafan1 (should say RCNFL | Sunfury Moderator for the custom name)
Age: 14
Forum activity: 2-3
ingame activity: 8
Why you wanna join this clan: I've met a couple of the members, and you seem like a really nice group of people. I also want to have a good clan experience, and this seems like a good place to have that.
Bans/infractions and why: None
With what can you help us: With the added help of a clan, I can become better at toribash and hopefully help the clan rise in rank.
GMT-5 Eastern Time
Country where you we're born: 'Murica
Your main language: English
Any alts if you have any: r2h2rring- don't use because failed spelling, should be r2dh2rring, lol.
Skype: Isaac Green (fake facebook lol) You'll probably never find me, there are oceans of Isaac Greens on skype. I do have Nic Cage as my profile picture, though, if that helps.
Hello,I'm not sure how to put my app so ill give my best.
I am 16/Female
No skype
No steam
I did just join and my skill is pretty good for a whitebelt,I fill like i can be a brown at this point.
If you want to test me then lets do it,/pm me when you want to.
I just want a clan to help out and have fun in,I need some new friends and hopping these members are my first tb friends :P
Any more info you need from me just ask and I can tell :3