I am not sure what information is needed, so I'll just wing it.
Age: 19
Birthday: September 23rd, 1995
Name: Joshua
How long playing Toribash: Come June will be around 5 years.
Belt: 8th Dan Black
Reasons for joining: It looks like a relatively new clan, which I prefer. I'd enjoy learning, growing, creating new bonds with new friends. The fact I enjoy anime and other forms of entertainment means I have things in common with members in the clan. I'd appreciate having support and being around like-minded individuals who enjoy my company.
Little about myself: I'm "different" than most people. I'm an easy shell to crack which leaves me prone to getting my feelings hurt by simple things. Normally I can hide it pretty well unless it starts to go too far and get to me. I have OCD, over-focused ADD, an emotional chemical imbalance. I'm extremely sensitive and probably bipolar since it runs in my family. Been quite depressed lately. I've got a bad past and hardly any friends. It's probably not good to reveal these things online but I've really got nothing to lose. I strive to be respectful, polite, kind-hearted and most importantly loyal and trusting.
Favorite anime? I discovered anime in the form of Dragon Ball Z, Zoids, Gundam and the original Pokémon series when I was very little. My mind couldn't comprehend that these things came from the Land of The Rising Sun (as well as Power Rangers, another favorite childhood show). I didn't see them as a particular art style at that time. To me they were just more cartoons to watch on Toonami and 4Kids and eventually as I grew up, Adult Swim (Space Cowboy and Bleach). When I discovered Naruto I started to grasp the concept of anime a little more (especially when the internet became more accessible). To this day, DBZ is my favorite anime because of how revolutionary and original it was. As I've grown I've understood how it follows Japanese and Chinese lore, as well as many Pokémon doing the same for Japanese culture. I recently purchased Dragon Ball XenoVerse for the Xbox 360 and am reliving my fantasies of wanting to be an original anime character (also a huge gamer and roleplayer).
Hopefully that's all for now, anything else we can probably learn from talking. Here's some replays of my poor skills.
Last edited by TheLunatic; Mar 1, 2015 at 10:35 AM.