Jisse, I know you get a lot of people saying they "understand" where you are at, although you know they don't. I havery the sane problem. I can't explain to you the different ways I tried to kill myself, I even had people I thought were friends give me tips on how to do it. All I want to say is, try to change things around, try looking at things from a different angle, try going out more, try just new habits, try even just finding a punching bag and beat it until you can't anymore. I had the same way of thinking you do, just hear me out and try to change things. Try to even ask a cute girl(or guy) out that you have no clue who they are and see where it leads you. Or even just start hanging out with someone who will talk you out of moments when you break down and just want to cry. They will let you let your stress out and still be waiting for you when your done. If you don't have any friends like that, I will gladly be there for you. I can add you on my new skype if you want. If you keep going as you are you will only dig a deeper hole, I learned from experience, I fixed it by joining clubs and meeting new people aswell as started going to a gym every day and finding my own little spot and pushing all that stress out telling myself the only way to make it stop hurting is to get stronger. I know you've gotten a lot of stuff from people with advice but I promise you, just try to change something like that and see what happens, even if one change doesn't do anything, try to change something else. You are a nice guy, I've known you for a long time on a few different accounts, and it would be horrible to see the world lose someone like you, sure there may be other people who can be nicer or better at stuff but I don't know them and they certainly aren't my friend nor are they you. You are something special (in a good way). Please don't rid the world of one of its unique features.