Another good example of the ever-fluid definition of feminism:
Originally Posted by Ruadhan View Post
As for this, feminism does not have just focus on females you should know this if you're going to discuss the subject. Granted that a faction of whiney women might make you think it's all female focused because they never seem to mention how it is also good for men.

Ok sure, let's play a game then. You list how many times feminism has advocated for men and for each one I'll list a time that feminism has advocated specifically against men. You get a bonus point if you can name 1 time that feminism has solved a male problem.

I know a lot about feminism mate, so this will be an interesting game.

The movement that routinely attacks masculinity, male rights, male problems and chants slogans such as "kill all men" are actually pro-men huh, who'd have thought.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Another good example of the ever-fluid definition of feminism:

Ok sure, let's play a game then. You list how many times feminism has advocated for men and for each one I'll list a time that feminism has advocated specifically against men. You get a bonus point if you can name 1 time that feminism has solved a male problem.

I know a lot about feminism mate, so this will be an interesting game.

The movement that routinely attacks masculinity, male rights, male problems and chants slogans such as "kill all men" are actually pro-men huh, who'd have thought.

Everything incorrect with your post has been put in bold to make it very clear. Hmmm where to start, it doesn't seem like you read my post at all. Just like how extremist jihadis do not represent the entire muslim faith, Men-hating women do not represent feminism, like I've already said. I'm not talking about misandrists who are anti-male that claim to be feminists, I'm talking about it's ideals. How a man being raped is to be taken just as seriously as how a woman being raped is, how a man being beaten by his wife is just as serious as the other way around. You know absolutely nothing about feminism, you only know a thing or two about crazy feminazi's.

Oh I can't wait to hear this one, how does feminism attack masculinity, male rights and male problems? What male rights are under threat of being infringed by it?
Originally Posted by Ruadhan View Post
Everything incorrect with your post has been put in bold to make it very clear. Hmmm where to start, it doesn't seem like you read my post at all. Just like how extremist jihadis do not represent the entire muslim faith, Men-hating women do not represent feminism, like I've already said. I'm not talking about misandrists who are anti-male that claim to be feminists, I'm talking about it's ideals. How a man being raped is to be taken just as seriously as how a woman being raped is, how a man being beaten by his wife is just as serious as the other way around. You know absolutely nothing about feminism, you only know a thing or two about crazy feminazi's.

So you are going to just brush away any criticism with "they aren't /real/ feminists"? How about you go ahead and define feminism and give me a metric for how to judge if someone is a real feminist then, as I have already said many times in this thread.

Also, the fact that you can't name even a single thing feminism has done for men or even tried to do for men already sets the tone for the conversation. Your claim is false and you aren't even trying to defend it.

Originally Posted by Ruadhan View Post
Oh I can't wait to hear this one, how does feminism attack masculinity, male rights and male problems? What male rights are under threat of being infringed by it?

The most obvious example is that feminists decry any male rights movement. Naturally I expect you will say "no they aren't real feminists" though! And naturally I will ask you for proof of any feminist movement supporting any male rights movement, which I expect you will totally ignore as you ignored my request for proof above.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
I find it quite annoying how you don't hear so much about masculism as you do feminism.
I feel like each sex has their good points and bad points, this is one of those things that is hugely bias.
I do hate how Tumblr has changed the meaning of feminism and how it literally promotes feminism to be hateful towards males when in-fact feminism is more of looking for equality.

Here's a few examples

Good feminism, supports both sides

Bad feminism, aka feminazi

Yes, I agree with Panda. There are good and bad sides to feminism. One being more towards women, and one thinking more towards both sides of the situation. For me, I don't think feminism is important at all and should be ignored in society these days. Most of them make extremely rude comments or want more than men. For EX: Somewhere in Asia (I think South Korea), the government gives larger parking spaces to women in malls because they have a risk of getting raped. Another obvious EX: The US Government and many others have it so if a man touches a women's breasts accidentally, society is going to hate on "said man." If a woman touches a man's penis, society is barely even going to care one bit. Yes women and men are different beings, yes getting kicked in the tesicles hurt, yes giving birth hurts. But does it matter? No. Feminism is extremely unimportant, but major issues for feminism is important, being "Women should get to vote." Or "Women should get equal pay as men in the same job."
RedPanda won't fuck his dog
I am gonna say something, but because I may not be as educated as you people, it may be stupid.

As far as I understand it, feminism is, by definition, a movement for women rights, not for equality. Their are trying to "catch up" to men without getting any of the disadvantages of being a male. Mostly employed in harder, more physical jobs, as an example. Total gender equality (what feminism claims to be) would be egalitarianism, or not?
Originally Posted by duck View Post
I am gonna say something, but because I may not be as educated as you people, it may be stupid.

As far as I understand it, feminism is, by definition, a movement for women rights, not for equality. Their are trying to "catch up" to men without getting any of the disadvantages of being a male. Mostly employed in harder, more physical jobs, as an example. Total gender equality (what feminism claims to be) would be egalitarianism, or not?

I do understand why you would think that and i agree that often the speakers you hear are looking for women's rights and don't care about mens, however the definition of feminism is looking for equality of gender and I think thats what this is about (?)
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
I do understand why you would think that and i agree that often the speakers you hear are looking for women's rights and don't care about mens, however the definition of feminism is looking for equality of gender and I think thats what this is about (?)

well, this is the definition of feminsm I could find on most websites

1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.

that is different from gender equality, and does back up my statement.
It is to have the rights that men have, but not the disadvantages a man has.
It says equal rights, socially, politically and in all other ways, it follows that if someone has exactly the same rights, they have the same disadvantages.

Anyway this isn't the point of the discussion xD
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
I find it quite annoying how you don't hear so much about masculism as you do feminism.

This is because the society came into a state of self-indulgence where the masculism is natural, conventional (and really is if we rescue the human nature, but I don't want to get into an anthropological search here). There's no masculism in the view of modern society, there are only "men in its own nature".

Like any other radical ideology, feminism in this way, completely escapes the general idea of the movement, which is to achieve equality between the sexes, the radical feminism want to override everything, there's no way to agree to this, not because I'm a man, but because flee the central idea and goes against nature. It may be possible to achieve equality with liberal feminism, gradually, and I agree with that, but I don't believe that the traces of the "masculism" will turn off completely.
Last edited by Perl; Jan 27, 2015 at 07:03 PM.
Since 1987 being the Internet's swiss army knife.
ImmortalPig, Ruadhan; your arguments can be boiled down to arguing what feminism is, it would make more sense for pig to just link a site explaining the different waves of feminism in an official sense. Once pig does this I would probably be forced to change the thread-starting-post since I would realise that feminism isn't a term with as widespread a meaning as I previously believed. And to be honest untill then Ruadhan is completely justified to post about the necessity of the ideology he subjectively believes feminism to be.

Pig; I though that rejection of female children in Eastern societies would be a problem with misognony and cultural/social perspectives of women in such areas which, in my opinion is the type of issue feminism is designed to address. If social and professional gender equality was achieved then this wouldn't be an issue. Admittedly the main issue to be concerned about is that people are willing to abandon or even kill their own children because they don't believe in their employment prospects or ability to earn an income (and probably a whole other range of reasons which I would need further cultural knowledge in order to suggest). But, just because the gender bias is not the main cause of the problem, this does not mean the gender bias demonstrated by my example of infanticide does not exist or that it is not a problem. Does that make sense?
Good morning sweet princess