Hello there!
I'm Matthew brown, nice to meet you
Belt: brown belt
Age: 13, but I am mature hehe.
How active I am in a game? Well probably 7 through 9 usually a day, I may not be on sometimes due to school, but I'm on a lot.
How active I am on the forumes? I would say pretty much everyday, 7/10
Never was in a clan yet or kicked/left from a clan.
TheSlimeyGuy showed me this thread.
I was looking for a good clan, and yeah I asked to join. My favorite mods or mods I usually go on are judo and aikdo, I really suck at parkour though, but will learn soon lol. Hobbies? Well I do like to play PC games a lot, and yeah lol.
What I'm good at? Making games and typing.
Hope you like me, also You guys can call me Deadsin or Dead, Deadsin was taken on tori but thats my nickname