Let's put toriuketo2's posts into perspective. What does it really mean to be a member of bncy? It is something you cannot ask for, something that cannot be picked up off the road like a herpes infected hooker. No, membership into bncy has to be earned by using unfunny memes constantly until one of your friends on the irc grants you more ego then you can possibly handle. Why, then, do those who want to join go about it so blindly, as though their egos had already been supersized as if they had already joined bncy?

Blackwrapes has certainly not done anything in his Toribash career. He is more or less known colloquially as a ten year old with an acting problem who thinks a shitty game like this is, and I quote, "teh pwnzorz." His clans in the past have included shitty, mostly dead groups of kids who thought a governmental system in Toribash would work. His body of work regarding his replays has ranged from mediocre to terrible, much like apples' sexual performance. Yet, he still, like many other nubs, thinks he has a genuine shot at gaining the bncy tag.

So, where does that leave bncy? Like Vigilante's virginity, the status that being in bncy gives you is unloseable, if your name is not evolution 6. veb, a great philosopher himself, once mentioned that jews are evil human beings. Well, his assumption was correct. The jews are an evil menace upon society, with their large noses and money. Therfore, I, BlackBear, declare that all people that are not in bncy are Jews
Therefore, toriuketo2/Blackwrapes, you are a Jew.

I rest my case.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.
BlackBear: You're a jew. I'm a jew. Everywhere a jewjew. Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-Get the hell out.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do