Secret Santa 2024
The meaning of toribash is to replace life with toribash.
A lot of the people on these forums are doing well so far.
I myself find that life is too good to be replaced by a virtual game.
Originally Posted by avwave View Post
Toribash... what other online games can you play where you are RESPECTED as a player instead of being tortured as a newbie or loathed as a pro?

Where matches are ALWAYS met with a good game, for most of the time... it is a good game. It is our tiny nation, unbound by time zones and geographical locations and even age, where we are led by both corrupt and altruistic leaders and anarchic and level minded citizens, where discussions range from the inane to the highbrow.

Show me another game, and I'll probably play it with as much respect as I do Toribash

I made myself cry typing that... =)

wow, that is epic and poetic. I love you

But serious, the diversity of the community is the biggest feature, there are not only recognized and famous players, but texture makers, video artists and admins. What keeps all this together is the unique economy with TC. I guess that is Toribashes strongest feature. That about our own tiny nation really hits it. Ah and the game itself is awesome and allways new as well, without that, the community couldnt survive.
<Balrog> Sorry

On-links are bad
OLDA are good
Originally Posted by DarkVadder View Post
But serious, the diversity of the community is the biggest feature, there are not only recognized and famous players, but texture makers, video artists...

Nothing like having people spot me online, saying hello then talking like they know me cos they're seen a video I've made.

It's a far cry from the abuse normally thrown randomy in other games.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
This game is awesome because, along with gameplay that actually makes you think(unlike quite a few online multiplayer games i know) it leaves absolutely everything up to the player. You can and do ANYTHING in this game(eg. textures, mod creating, color schemes, vids, etc). I spend most of my comp time with 3d modelling and physics engines(look up Phun 2d physics sandbox) but I play this game because of the variety it offers.

Happy Bashing Everybloody!
u mad tho :)
Originally Posted by Hapma View Post

Someone ban this guy, Hampa impersonators need to die.

I would love to know if there is a word or phrase Toribash can be translated to. Or why Nabi decided on the name, its certainly catchy ;P.
I myself don't have any guesses, stupid or serious.

Jeremy - You can train a n00b, but he'll just be a trained n00b...
Originally Posted by avwave View Post
Toribash... what other online games can you play where you are RESPECTED as a player instead of being tortured as a newbie or loathed as a pro?

Where matches are ALWAYS met with a good game, for most of the time... it is a good game. It is our tiny nation, unbound by time zones and geographical locations and even age, where we are led by both corrupt and altruistic leaders and anarchic and level minded citizens, where discussions range from the inane to the highbrow.

Show me another game, and I'll probably play it with as much respect as I do Toribash

I made myself cry typing that... =)

Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.

My aim is to control my Tori just like the human body. Just think about all the movements you do without even thinking about it. Toribash made me realize what an amazing thing the brain is.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Originally Posted by SomeRandomTroll
yes, a2vwave, you have been jedi mindtricked, BCUS+ UR WEEK MINDED! ZING HI-FIVE!!

you're terribly lucky that that particular post was a good one.

Also I'd mention Quake3, but those people are evil....