they are all my friends
11:44 PM - mokoshotar: do you think if i give you a list of bullies at my school you could butterfly jutsu them
i would have a big list but i can name off the main people i chat/interact with mostly

thiggist, hobo, orko, nearly, derrikeg, luminusian and the #ormo or [T] guys.
hey dudes i made a list of my super best friends

thiggist, moonshake, hob,o internet, orko ,nearly, dropkick, entrance jew, ethan, sweet d, augans, oblivion, mckandle, lumi, siku, inoob, volare, aracoon, notnoob, morotos, natty, facade and fuze mawah and

if you are not on this list i hate you

oh and holyshrimp
Last edited by twiggist; Apr 19, 2015 at 06:43 AM.
11:44 PM - mokoshotar: do you think if i give you a list of bullies at my school you could butterfly jutsu them
Originally Posted by twiggist View Post
hey dudes i made a list of my super best friends

thiggist, moonshake, hob,o internet, orko ,nearly, dropkick, entrance jew, ethan, sweet d, augans, oblivion, mckandle, lumi, siku, inoob, volare, aracoon, notnoob, morotos, natty, facade and fuze mawah and

if you are not on this list i hate you

dude can i be your friend??


btw------if u want to be my friend send me a friend request !!!!
Last edited by twiggist; Apr 19, 2015 at 06:46 AM.
11:44 PM - mokoshotar: do you think if i give you a list of bullies at my school you could butterfly jutsu them
God damn it Twiggist I'm not sending you a request. Love me or feel my multiple heads.

My friends include a metric shitton of people. Though Nitro is where most of them are. If I remember your name in a positive way we're probably friends in my book.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
you arent my friend
11:44 PM - mokoshotar: do you think if i give you a list of bullies at my school you could butterfly jutsu them