Here's my story:
I was on the toriexchange one day when I noticed that there were buy and sell orders for a gold emote for 1 tc. I thought ooh, a bargain, and put in a buy order. The next day I found that I had actually gotten it. I was looking throught the ticker and saw, unbelievably, that there were buy and sell orders for the same item for 750,000 tc. I thought, what could it hurt, and put in a sell order for 750k. The next day, to my amazement, my available tc now had a few extra digits - the sell order had gone through. So, I was now 750k tc richer, bought a full texture set, and left it at that for about a week or so. Then, I was browsing the forums, when I got a VBulletin message that I was banned for "farming and hacking." I figured that my "good deal" was the reason, so I made this account with which to plead my case. I didn't farm or hack, it wasn't with malicious intent... I just thought I had gotten lucky.
I'd give what's left of the tc back, and the textures I bought if it's possible, I just want to be unbanned.
Also, on the toriexchange ticker, search for "gold emote". It shows the buy and sell orders there, there's some crazy prices.
Last edited by 3Beezy; Sep 16, 2008 at 02:47 AM.