Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Morals View Post
How about a bulk buy bro?
Shutter Shades, 512 Ground, 128 Ground, Platinum Force, and Toxic Lax

Edit: Nvm. I did the math and I can go for 160k.
Last edited by Mage; May 20, 2015 at 04:35 PM.
Master of the arcane arts
130k for the bulk isn't bad. The point is to move it at one time while still getting a good price, which you are.

It's not a good price!

Market prices for the items (rounded of) are:
Shutter Shades = 40k
512 ground texture = 90k
128 ground texture = 20k
Platinum Force = 40k
Toxic lax = 3k

Now my price for the items are:
Shades 35k
512 ground 85k
128 ground 17k
Plat force 35k
Toxic lax 1.5k

Add them together and it's 173.5k.
And since you also need to make profit and it's a "bulk" buy...
My offer is 155k
Master of the arcane arts
Marketing is my game so deal or not I'll tell what these items go for.
Shutter Shades-25k
512 Ground-75k
128 Ground-15k
Plat Force-25k
Toxic Lax-About 1.5k
I'm giving you the chance to move it all at one time. Good luck but you're not gonna get what you're looking for.

I admit you're more experience in marketing,
But here's where you're wrong...
Though you may be right with the rest, 512 ground is rare and sells easily.
I counted your offer but with the 512 ground being 80k.
So my last offer is 145k.
Master of the arcane arts
I will admit I probably lowballed the price on that one item by 5k or so but my final would be 135k, sorry.

You want 135k but I want 145k.
Let's meet in the middle and go for 140k?
Master of the arcane arts