Originally Posted by
Most drugs today (at least the commercial most effective ones) are designer drugs, chemicals.
And so?We have oppium-receptor,thc-receptor and a lot more(ok,we dont have ketamine-receptor...),but are illegal.But we dont have aspirina-receptor too,but,like the other medicinal,are legal.The Aulin(a medicinal)kill a lot of poeple,psycopharms too...what u want to tell me about pharms/drug?
Originally Posted by
They are highly addictive and are banned for very good reasons as you can get addicted easily without even knowing you took them (if someone puts them in your drink). And they destroy your life in an instant.
In italian= CHE STRONZATA! in english:WHAT A BULLSHIT!How old are u?have u never take some drugs?I have,but i'm not a tossic,i go to university(with excellent vote)and have a normal life..and so?who care that sometimes i take drug?The important is read about drug,and have a full information about what u take,because is true:drug are danger,isnt a toy.If government make a good information,we can have few death for drugs,because often who take drugs,mix with alchool* and often die(in italy,but think everywhere,this summer die some guys in raveparty for mixed alchool+drug).If government make a bad information and continue to perseguitate people,the only result is the actual present
eople take drugs even if government dont want,but without a good information.WHERE IS THE GAIN?
Originally Posted by
But that amount increases fast and it will increase further, therefore weed is about to become a more and more dangerous drug. This effect wouldnt stop if it was legal, i guess i would get faster as more people would be able to cultivate and evolve stronger and stronger marijuana. Therefore i think, allthough it could be legalized today, the potential of it is too dangerous.
I don't know where are u from,but have u never listen about holland?In holland weed are legal and 1)(like someone told before)they have A LOT of money from weed 2)holland have few tossyc than,in order for europe,:spain,italy,france. (In italy we can take from 6 to 20 year prison for have more than 5g of weed,but a lot of people have more than 5g....
This established that repression are fallimentar under all aspect(prison full of normal guys,a lot ofmoney spent on antidrug operation,but a lot of people that take likewise drugs).
so the only solution is to control the sale of drug(maybe with a max quantity of drug that u can buy in one month).
And remember:now the drugs are in the hands of mafia(expecially in italy:P)that put in tossic sostance for grow the weight.Often this is more dangerous than the drug
*for precisation:alchool is 1 of worse drug in absolute,under every aspect(dipendency,tolerance,abstinence)
Last edited by bRuCiA; Sep 18, 2008 at 09:17 PM.