Tom and Jerry was like decades old, Now they still air it on CartoonNetwork :D

I'm so happy. :]

I actually have a collection of some of the OLDDDD Episodes that my mum and dad watched, like still in Cassete VCR Tapes. :D
ayylmaos are real
Yep Tom & Jerry is awesome D:

I can't believe I forgot about it.

Also, Why is your sig so fucking long with spaces?
ayylmaos are real
Monster Rancher.
Or extremely old episodes of The Simpsons.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Originally Posted by alienshoe View Post
those are classic just not as classic as others, like two angry beavers.

Can I get a "wewt wewt"?
gah, i fucking hate these censors.
For me i would say Popeye, and those ones with a mouse who does shit with a cat.. with no sound
the god
some people consider classic as when they were a kid when the shows were good and not the crap they have on tv now(excluding spongebob, flapjack, and chowder)