for radioactive
blood- 1000
DQ - 100
force 500
ghost 300
relax 500
emote 400
torso 400
text 400

All 3600
maybe 4200 if you want more cash from silly me
see i want to buy all of your radioactive ^^ so lets have a good exchange if you want
Ok my friend smehow got into my account and stole Raidioactive, Blood, DQ and the emote.

Umm... 2k for Noxious DQ

Added: Aqua DQ and Torso.

Gaia: Bought and waiting for Money. (They offered 3k for both, 2k for Grad and 1k for Torso, if you beat this offer you can have them.)
Last edited by Tastes-Nice; Sep 23, 2008 at 04:16 AM.
lol. Yer I will be without internet for a few days so if u send me money for somthing and I don't send the item don't think you've been scammed because I'm not scamming you.

Thanks Domo-kun.