Re: Bug bash
About the names-thing. Far as I can tell, there are two things going wrong:
[In the .rpl file] At the end of the NEWGAME-line, it says "classic" or the name of the mod being used. This seems to cause the name of the replay not to show, and the player names to be set to uke and tori; replays from earlier versions doesn't have this problem, and replays not using mods work fine if you remove "classic" (while removing the "*.tbm" from mod-using ones messes things up even more
The FIGHT-line holds both the name of the replay and the player names, it seems that when loading a replay, the first word (after the semicolon) becomes the replay-name, the 2nd player one's name and the 3rd player two's. So if you have spaces in the name of the replay, or any of the player-names, things go wrong.
Edit: After a bit more messing around, about the mod-stuff: Seems it's because stuff being loaded when loading a mod (or the classic settings) includes replay- and player-names, so those are "reset" after reading the NEWGAME-line, if that line includes the name of a mod or "classic". It seems you can fix a replay like that by moving the NEWGAME-line up to above the FIGHT-line, so that the correct names are set after loading the mod-settings
Eg. this will cause names to go wrong:
FIGHT 0; something Gnarf uke
AUTHOR 0; Gnarf
NEWGAME 0;500 10 0 0 0 3 200 1 0 swords.tbm
While this works:
NEWGAME 0;500 10 0 0 0 3 200 1 0 swords.tbm
FIGHT 0; something Gnarf uke
AUTHOR 0; Gnarf