There are some of my strange dreams which are scared me, I made some quick doodle for one of them.
Here's one of the illustration :
Like you can see on the picture, on that dream I was on a middle of a highway I don't know where is it, it looks like a wasteland, and on the side of the of the highway there's that ghost just floating over there. Was trying to come closer to that ghost but suddenly she choke me. I remember there was something like trick to stop her from choking me.
Another dream, I was in a building, more like a school. I was running in a corridor chasing something which I'm not remember. That corridor have some three ways intersections like this :
Everytime I walk through the intersection and then facing to the dark corridor on the right side, I will feel there's something coming from the dark. The more longer I see it, the more I can feel the presence of that thing coming.
But since I reached my 20ish, I really rarely dreaming(or maybe just not remember) about weird dreams again, a scary dream or a fun dream.
Last edited by Caveisier; Jul 15, 2015 at 11:15 PM.