A few of my dreams include but are not limited to:

-A girl that I assumed I was dating died in my arms seconds after we left a building.

-I was in a pickup truck in which the driver was driving 250+ mph like it was the autobahn and turning incredibly hard on hairpin turns.

-I've found myself in a room full of spiders made of crystals.

-Billy from 'Billy and Mandy' was fighting some shaolin warrior.

Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
I think we all dreamed atleast one time that we were having sex with a damn sexy pornstar...

I did have dreams of having sex but not with pornstars.

Moonshake Moderated Message:
Let's also not discuss dreams involving sex at all.
Last edited by Moonshake; Jul 15, 2015 at 06:52 AM.
The Geese is Leese!
i have recurrent dreams of everything in my life going perfectly.
waking up from that is disconcerting, more so than nightmare shit.
Last edited by hermaphrodite; Jul 15, 2015 at 09:23 AM.
I dreamed before that I was dreaming and that I couldn't wake up. Woke up sweating and asthma going off. GG.
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
Check out my 🎧 FREE💃 sound request shop! - I have a lot of art (like, 45+ heads and a few sets) for sale! PM me for them!
Originally Posted by Rhaemond View Post
I dreamed before that I was dreaming and that I couldn't wake up. Woke up sweating and asthma going off. GG.

that's sleep paralysis, happened to me once Q-Q
(lotus)'s co-leader|(lotus)|Loki|Nicolas|Rogue
Originally Posted by Rhaemond View Post
I dreamed before that I was dreaming and that I couldn't wake up. Woke up sweating and asthma going off. GG.

Originally Posted by zeneto View Post
that's sleep paralysis, happened to me once Q-Q

I think there's worse cases of sleep paralysis when people can't do anything and they see ghosts/demons or whatever around them, sometimes trying to kill them and shit.
You guys dream about some creepy shit. Not going to lie, I'm a bit jealous. The only things I've dreamt that was even remotley scary was the night after I watched 2000 B.C. (i think thats the title)

Anyways, I was sitting in a room with most of my mothers side of my familily, when suddenly the scary ass sabertooth from the movie bursts through the door and kills EVERYONE. I mean the walls are splatteres with guts and shit. It was very vivid as well. I'm the only one left, just kinda sitting there. The wierd thing is during that part of the dream I'm not even scared. I'm just like 'k family is dead.' Long story short, I leave the room, creep slowly out, knock something over making a loud noise, freeze for like 20 seconds, THINK I'M OKAY, then I was eaten by a sabertooth. I woke up on the floor x3
when i have a dream with a scary dude i'm not scared
like, once i had a dream where chucky was going to hunt me down, and cannibals were going to eat me (luckily i woke up before they ate me)
i was barely scared
i think i might even had been courageous
There are some of my strange dreams which are scared me, I made some quick doodle for one of them.

Here's one of the illustration :


Like you can see on the picture, on that dream I was on a middle of a highway I don't know where is it, it looks like a wasteland, and on the side of the of the highway there's that ghost just floating over there. Was trying to come closer to that ghost but suddenly she choke me. I remember there was something like trick to stop her from choking me.

Another dream, I was in a building, more like a school. I was running in a corridor chasing something which I'm not remember. That corridor have some three ways intersections like this :


Everytime I walk through the intersection and then facing to the dark corridor on the right side, I will feel there's something coming from the dark. The more longer I see it, the more I can feel the presence of that thing coming.

But since I reached my 20ish, I really rarely dreaming(or maybe just not remember) about weird dreams again, a scary dream or a fun dream.
Last edited by Caveisier; Jul 15, 2015 at 11:15 PM.
[Steam] [Art] [Music]
one nightmare that i have always had when i once moved was zombies eating me

stupid Darkrising
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719