eh, we could just look at players qi if we wanted to see them, a skill based counter would make more sense and be more useful
It is not entirely Qi based.
Last nite: hampa has about 760 more qi than me, but i has 42% more win percentage, and i'm ahead by 20 ranks.
Qi seems to be a major factor, as win rate is quite difficult to attain. However, people play mods that are crazy anyway, so I don't know of a good way to do this. I'd almost rather have an ELO duel system, where only duels initiated by some "/duel invite name" "/duel accept name" command works toward ELO ranking. The problem with that though is that everyone would have to type commands so damn much.
Last edited by FNugget; Sep 24, 2008 at 06:24 PM.
Originally Posted by xicer View Post
we have a qi rank, its called a belt

Perhaps some people would like to see themselves compared to the whole toribash community... that's the whole point of ranks.
Eh, no one even cares about ranks anymore.

I was rank 5 when I was a blue belt once. Take THAT, you old system!

But if this new one is more accurate, then maybe interest will be regenerated.

EDIT: YAY! my rank went from the 40000's to 1500 somthing! Lol
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i like this ranking system. also if u look in player stats you will see the rank.
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
The new ranking system does not seem to relate to skill at all. I just played a couple people ranked under 100 and beat them all.

Just because you have played the game forever does not mean you are any good.

Now all the 10 year olds that have two different moves and suck at the game will have high ranks.

ELO is a much better ranking system. It's well tested, popular and relatively accurate given enough games.