My Opinion About This.
I do agree with this...
I do agree with the carrer mode, this would be a way of getting little bits of TC in time, im gonna post a image of what it could be like in the game, it could be a cool way of getting your tori(you) trained, learn moves in game, win 10 tc in game in career mode everytime you winned uke, he will begin to make harder moves and you needed to train more to beat him.
There could be challenges(first picture), a next option in career mode, there could be -Easy-|-Medium-|-Hard-|-Pro-,in Easy mode you needed to learn certain basic stuff(climb,run,playing official modes right[not shoveling :P ...) and if you could complete them you would get certain amouts of TC, depending on the dificulty, this can be a new life for toribash.
In Easy mode you needed to learn certain basic stuff(climb,run,playing official modes right[not shoveling :P]...) (second picture).
In medium mode, you would learn how to replay make, freecam, mod make, and another hobbies in toribash, you could have a toturial of how to make them mod make...(third picture).
In hard mode you could learn how to parkour, spar, tricking, but in realism. To learn it, there could be 2/3 pages of simple text telling about the type, realism and other stuff...(fourth picture).
In pro mode, you need to fight famous people, like Hampa, Sir, Gman80... and alot of other aikido/abd/mushu/wushu/and other official modes, beasts (sorry if i dont put certain people i dint have time to search)...(fifth picture).
The Images And Another Stuff
-This could be the next gen of toribash. I am not telling hampa and other moderators to make this. This is just my opinion.
Down Here i will put the pictures made on MSPaint(Microsoft Paint) xD.
Last edited by Halu; Aug 29, 2015 at 01:05 AM.