Original Post
Career mod
OK like some other games there is a career mod, and in Toribash there should be, I mean this game will be better if there is a career mod, fighting some players , and what is cooler that its single player not online!. And if u complete the career mod u will get shitlaod of Tc.

So hope u like this idea 😁
Originally Posted by sir View Post
The main reason why Toribash can't have a proper career mode is that Uke can only do either movements that are predefined or random stuff. None of that can be even relatively close to fighting a real opponent and thus it'd be pretty much useless.
Having prizes for completing such career would mean that it'd be abused, too, yeah.

Toribash can have some "quests" not involving simulation of regular PvP fights - stuff like get from point A to point B in some fancy mod under X frames. If you have similar ideas, please share.

Yes. A few more single player stuff could be implemented in the tutorial for the sake of newcommers.
I had a few ideas on some other thread. Imo this helps to get better understanding of toribash before u go mp.
Like jump on the box. Or from box a to box b.
From point a to b.
Avoid obstacles.
Only 5 or 10 challenges like this would help new players to understand tb betrer.
Also make a weapon uke challenge.
Some weired gravity mod.
Race mod, etc so players can see how vast the tb world is
Pm me for deals
Couldn't the player just skeet to complete the level?
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Originally Posted by HASSAN2000 View Post
Couldn't the player just skeet to complete the level?

Why would dismeberment be on in a parkour mod? All parkour mods have DMS off
My Opinion About This.
I do agree with this...

I do agree with the carrer mode, this would be a way of getting little bits of TC in time, im gonna post a image of what it could be like in the game, it could be a cool way of getting your tori(you) trained, learn moves in game, win 10 tc in game in career mode everytime you winned uke, he will begin to make harder moves and you needed to train more to beat him.

There could be challenges(first picture), a next option in career mode, there could be -Easy-|-Medium-|-Hard-|-Pro-,in Easy mode you needed to learn certain basic stuff(climb,run,playing official modes right[not shoveling :P ...) and if you could complete them you would get certain amouts of TC, depending on the dificulty, this can be a new life for toribash.

In Easy mode you needed to learn certain basic stuff(climb,run,playing official modes right[not shoveling :P]...) (second picture).
In medium mode, you would learn how to replay make, freecam, mod make, and another hobbies in toribash, you could have a toturial of how to make them mod make...(third picture).
In hard mode you could learn how to parkour, spar, tricking, but in realism. To learn it, there could be 2/3 pages of simple text telling about the type, realism and other stuff...(fourth picture).
In pro mode, you need to fight famous people, like Hampa, Sir, Gman80... and alot of other aikido/abd/mushu/wushu/and other official modes, beasts (sorry if i dont put certain people i dint have time to search)...(fifth picture).

The Images And Another Stuff

-This could be the next gen of toribash. I am not telling hampa and other moderators to make this. This is just my opinion.
Down Here i will put the pictures made on MSPaint(Microsoft Paint) xD.
Attached Images
TB-Career-Pv2.png (65.1 KB, 24 views)
easymode tb.png (108.2 KB, 23 views)
mediummode tb.png (94.0 KB, 19 views)
hardmode tb.png (93.3 KB, 18 views)
promode tb1.png (130.1 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by Halu; Aug 29, 2015 at 01:05 AM.
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Originally Posted by sir View Post
The main reason why Toribash can't have a proper career mode is that Uke can only do either movements that are predefined or random stuff. None of that can be even relatively close to fighting a real opponent and thus it'd be pretty much useless.
Having prizes for completing such career would mean that it'd be abused, too, yeah.

Toribash can have some "quests" not involving simulation of regular PvP fights - stuff like get from point A to point B in some fancy mod under X frames. If you have similar ideas, please share.

I have a "saving uke" idea. Think that there's some mechanic timed traps created to destroy uke. Your job is saving uke before he gets piece by piece. Like 10 maps created for this. Maybe more.

We need some features for this.
-If he gets damage you get negative points. So you can not pass.
-Controlling uke must be disabled.
-Trigger areas. For spesific number of objects, object names. (make 5 score on basketball for example. You will need 5 objects or obj 1,2,3,4,5 touch your trigger area)
Leon The Black
Originally Posted by sir View Post
The main reason why Toribash can't have a proper career mode is that Uke can only do either movements that are predefined or random stuff. None of that can be even relatively close to fighting a real opponent and thus it'd be pretty much useless.
Having prizes for completing such career would mean that it'd be abused, too, yeah.

Toribash can have some "quests" not involving simulation of regular PvP fights - stuff like get from point A to point B in some fancy mod under X frames. If you have similar ideas, please share.

There were a quite functional AI around a few years ago, tho' it used a "cheat" by sampling the outcome of like different (quite standarized) 200 moves from tori and uke to make a "decision" on the best action it could take. However, I think it never got endorsed by GMs/Hampa so the project were dropped as it the devs were worried altering TB to the extent they had done could be grounds for a ban. (instant moves, no graphical computing etc)
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
Originally Posted by Smogard49 View Post
There were a quite functional AI around a few years ago, tho' it used a "cheat" by sampling the outcome of like different (quite standarized) 200 moves from tori and uke to make a "decision" on the best action it could take. However, I think it never got endorsed by GMs/Hampa so the project were dropped as it the devs were worried altering TB to the extent they had done could be grounds for a ban. (instant moves, no graphical computing etc)

Don't remember such a thing unless it was just a concept