Yea, I just felt it was a little weak compared to just playing the game as a vassal to another nation. I think having better management of your vassals, as well as the ability to split your party up without having taken a castle yet would go a long way. Taking that first castle always made starting up a faction really annoying. If you could have a companion lead it's own party under your command it would make the entry a lot better. Then more ways to interact with the existing factions so that it isn't just "at war with, neutral, at peace with".
Originally Posted by JesseD View Post
Yea, I just felt it was a little weak compared to just playing the game as a vassal to another nation. I think having better management of your vassals, as well as the ability to split your party up without having taken a castle yet would go a long way. Taking that first castle always made starting up a faction really annoying. If you could have a companion lead it's own party under your command it would make the entry a lot better. Then more ways to interact with the existing factions so that it isn't just "at war with, neutral, at peace with".

You could become a joint faction type thing. If you were really good friends with another faction and became a lord you could help in a siege and at the end you could ask if you had control of that castle.

I think that applies to the normal version I was playing the Europe mod.
Rulers of factions could grant you rights over cities, castles, and villages if you are a vassal to them, your right to rule and standing among fellow lords was high enough, alongside a bonus if you yourself conducted the siege against the captured point. Women characters had higher requirements to be considered for owning anything.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I found the Bannerlord Announcement video while looking for a graphics updater for warband.

When I saw the board games and Weapon customization I swear I almost came.

I am more excited by this than when Bathesda people randomly started humming on stage before announcing Oblivion 2: now with graphics. [skyrim for you non-elderscrolls-groupies]
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post

Developer blog there, looks promising. Not too different from MBWB but different enough for a fresh taste and cool new features too. Hopefully they hint at some form of SP that is mp if that makes any sense

I believe the release date is late 2016, possibly 2017 so hold onto your butts. I expect this to be a big thing

Really hoping campaign will end up with the ability to have more than one player, closest thing to it is Persistent Worlds in WB, and it's all players, no ai, all armies are players, which really limits the sizes of the battles.
Indeed it was one of my favorite games, i haven't played for a lot of time, however i spent many hours there.