Originally Posted by Nearly View Post
she was also interested in getting those rings in your back where you can lace them up or whatever, something like


While those look super cool and I find them attractive, they tend to get infected for a few reasons, and even if they don't, you're never supposed to leave them in for more than a month, maybe two.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I just assume people with gauges or whatever are stupid and stay away from them

Gauges aren't bad in and of themselves, but they do become a bit scary to everyone if they get any larger than 2cm or so.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Honestly, provided you don't make yourself physically revolting to everyone around you, you're fine. Professional appearance is important.

That's everyone else's problem if a tattoo (or multiple tattoos in visible areas) make them uncomfortable. Tattoos are about as unprofessional as long hair on a guy or short boyish hair on a girl.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
It's really important to keep up your appearance, along with personal hygiene and other things. If your taxi driver hasn't showered in a month and has gauges big enough to fit your hand through, chances are he isn't going to get much business.

While I would be put off by the gauges, I would be more offended by his body odor.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
As far as other body modifications go though, if I could replace my arms with bazooka shooting chainsaws, I totally would.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Professional appearance is important.

All in all, I'm not opposed to tattoos and piercings in general, but as with everything, moderation is key.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
i dont think tattos/body modif. is that annoying,since there isnt something sick/shocking to others,you can be happy with your tattos.
i saw much people with tattos,this dont annoy that much.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
As a guy with a sweet tat on my awesome manbod.jpg
All I got to say is I'm all for tats but those gauges and stuff like that just look ridiculous.
I've seen people with gauged nostrils and it was probably the single most revolting thing I've ever seen.
I don't mind those very small ones I'm talking about the ones bigger than a quarter.
Piercings are fine too and some of those dermals (I think that's what they're called but don't quote me on it)
I can't really see a tat as unprofessional but you guys are entitled to your opinion.
Unless it's on the neck or Face other than that they're often covered by clothes. Do what you want tho it's your body not mine
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
I would like to get tattoos and/or piercings at some point, but I never will because I'm afraid of pain and don't want a permanent mark on me that I eventually stop liking. I support anyone who wants them, but people who hate them confuse me. I see no reason to bash other people for choosing to express themselves.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by meow View Post
That's really cool... I personally wouldn't do it but I think it looks quite cool - what's your opinion of it? Do you think you'd find her less attractive or more attractive or net equal if you don't mind me asking?

I definitely wasn't sold on the idea at first, but she talked to me about it enough to convince not to have a problem with it. as far as i'm concerned if it doesn't mar her too much i'm fine with it. as an example is she was thinking about getting a cropped tongue to which i outright refused, or one of those subdermal implant things which i also can't stand. its nice because she listens to me when it comes to this sort of stuff.

Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
While those look super cool and I find them attractive, they tend to get infected for a few reasons, and even if they don't, you're never supposed to leave them in for more than a month, maybe two.

thanks for the info mang its possibly we might have discussed that part too but i'm not super sure
wow that
i like tattoos to a point for example a meaningful tattoo that represents something important to you not just the word "Dick" plastered across your forehead, and also id have it in a place it could be covered by clothing like a shoulder because you may decide later you dont like it and also for people that have offensive or valgaure tattoos i just think "you know one day you'll be old and youll need help to wipe your own ass and youll be stuck looking like a faded painting

as for body mods it really depends in my opinion anything that so extreme it cant be undone is to much... like one guy i saw got a whole put in his leg so you can see threw it and he put a spike on the inside... i did think it looks really really cool but same thing it cant be undone so :/

and piercings i like ear piercings that's it... not genitalia piercings yea... that shit can cause serious health concerns, same with nipple piercings if those piercings get infected... my god you are in trouble...
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
I would like to get tattoos and/or piercings at some point, but I never will because I'm afraid of pain and don't want a permanent mark on me that I eventually stop liking. I support anyone who wants them, but people who hate them confuse me. I see no reason to bash other people for choosing to express themselves.

Let me explain to you why people "expressing themselves" in that manner is bad.

If you feel the need to express yourself with a facial tattoo that makes people scared of you/think you're a retard, no one will employ you because people don't want their employees to be scary retards.

It's fine if it's something private and personal, but turning yourself into a walking advertisement for your local mental health ward significantly reduces your employability, and will make almost everyone biased against you.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Let me explain to you why people "expressing themselves" in that manner is bad.

If you feel the need to express yourself with a facial tattoo that makes people scared of you/think you're a retard, no one will employ you because people don't want their employees to be scary retards.

It's fine if it's something private and personal, but turning yourself into a walking advertisement for your local mental health ward significantly reduces your employability, and will make almost everyone biased against you.

What makes you think everyone wants to be employed? Being employed does not make you happy or rich. There are more lucrative alternatives, many of which don't depend on you looking “professionally”.
If that is your only concern, it is a rather weak one. Telling people how to live their lives is just being a dick.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
What makes you think everyone wants to be employed? Being employed does not make you happy or rich. There are more lucrative alternatives, many of which don't depend on you looking “professionally”.
If that is your only concern, it is a rather weak one. Telling people how to live their lives is just being a dick.

"You sure you want to jump off of that cliff jim?"

"Don't tell me how to live my life!!!"
