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Africa and the Middle-East have been divided and exploited by themselves for a lonnnng time.
Putting the blame on the west is a new meme, it's not historically accurate.
Links pls. lel.
African countries/states/boundaries have been created and delimited by european countries during the colonisation and post-colonisation. A lot of tribes/people got separated or put together with "ennemy" tribes... the geopolitics behind African boundaries is source of conflict. Was it done on purpose in order to control easily is another question, it's still the fault of the occident.
I'll take France as an exemple because that's what I know the most : our leading politics have supported and maintained african dictators in their respective countries for decades, in order to keep their hands on african natural ressources (oil, uranium...), and money to finance their campaigns or sit their political position, or supported/financed rebels to putsch unwanted dictator(s) and replace it with a more french-friendly one... with all the shady affairs surfacing a few years later, politics involved in money laundry and/or traffic and all that shiet. Brilliant stuff.
This is modern colonialism, this is how "powerful" countries and leaders became powerful, that's how the occident built itself. France sucked and still sucks north Africa dry, England got the southern part of Africa, and the rest of european countries got everything inbetween (and now China is involved). How is that not historically accurate ? It's in every history books or manuals.
More than that, this is the very essence of "power" and control : "
divide and conquer". Those are the foundations of our world-wide financial system, step on other people's faces or get stomped. Countries, leaders and lobbyists just paddle in the general direction of the shit stream we're trying to sail ; for the glory of their nation and international competition or for their own purse, the race for ressources before everything is bled dry.
It's the exact same situation in the Middle-East, except it's not Europe (well the UN does military assists) but the US doing the exact same thing for the exact same reasons.
Saying occidental countries are "the good guys" and help other poor countries because we're good guys and we feel like that's what we must do is either excessively naive, or efficient brainwashing... or maybe both.
Last edited by deprav; Sep 14, 2015 at 07:15 PM.