People enjoy the psychoactive effects of alcohol for various reasons. It provides a sense of relief and disassociation from reality. A sense of adventure or perhaps a spiritual search is often given as the causative reason for alcohol consumption.

If people have problems in their life I don't see why a simple escape from reality is a problem. Yeah, it can be a health problem, but it's their choices that matter. If they feel that it can help them, then i'm all up for someone trying alcohol.

Also yes people do enjoy the taste of alcohol. Just like some people think water has a taste and others don't. Everyone has their on taste.
Yes, I am sure I enjoy the taste, not the experience - there have been times when the alcohol was the only good thing going on. As for enjoying intoxication, no, I do not, nor do I believe it is "biologically smart" to be intoxicated. And yes, alcohol is definitely more dangerous than water. That was never meant to be disputed. The point was merely to point out the gross over-simplifications in Moataz's post.
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Disclosure: I drink alcohol and the below are all just my personal opinions.

Your post reads like you're a little kid sitting with his arms crossed unwilling to change his mind and challenging people to go against his view. Sort of wish you'd come here with an open mind to raise discussion but oh well. Try someplace like this next time you make a thread in the style of this one.

yeah i know what u mean, but uhh, no. I think i have a bit of phobia to get stuck on a point of view and be unable to understand others. So im always questioning every fuckin thing, sometimes is not fun/cool at all.

Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Why do people drink? You answered that in part throughout your post. Social lubrication, peer pressure or my addition; maybe some people do enjoy the taste or the feeling of intoxication.

Yes, that also could explain the reason; some people enjoy the feeling of intoxication. And I wonder if that is something intelligent.(seriously i just wonder)

Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I can see how you draw parallels to the monkey video but I think that, again, you're disregarding the fact that not everyone is a mindless fucking sheep. Even people who start drinking due to pressure, influence or curiosity don't keep drinking for that same reason. They come to realise "Hey this is a pretty good feeling. It's nice to chill with some drinks and talk to people."
Or "Huh, I never really liked bitter drinks but this craft beer is pretty damn tasty."

Yeah it happens. Some people drink with 'moderation' and enjoy the chill moments with their mates.But also, there are some people who drink and do a plenty of things that most of them will not end good(in a healthly way) or 'all chill'.
I drank several times when I hangout with some bros. I have never been drunk, but I've been dizzy and stuff. I recently see, that we had to drink to be comfortable in places and be 'chill'. then I thought, why do I need a drink that fucks my health(and sometimes causes me intestinal problems) and makes me addictive to it, to be 'comfortable' or 'chill'? Do I really depend on a drink to have fun or be chill?
I feel that this could be compared with an anarchy country. In a random situation, some people will not going to kill the people who don't like, but others will simply blow the shit out of them. And, what do you think the act of killing will be treated? Is it good or bad? Stupid or justifiable? Should be permitted or not?
Last edited by Jodus; Sep 20, 2015 at 05:42 AM. Reason: i suck at english
Fair enough man; I'm sad to hear you get health issues and felt possibility for addiction from it. I know it affects everyone differently and everyone has a different view on it.
I'll still argue on the behalf of alcohol users though - even though alcohol is inherently harmful there are still lots of people who enjoy it and can use it sensibly.

Originally Posted by Jodus
Yes, that also could explain the reason; some people enjoy the feeling of intoxication. And I wonder if that is something intelligent.(seriously i just wonder)

Intelligent? Maybe. Maybe not. That's subjective though and we'll never both agree on that.

Also I didn't really understand the analogy at the end sorry. :s
Some drink alcohol to mark special occasions. Others a matter of taste, like wine and some just enjoy drinking a beer every now and then. On the flip side there are also people who abuse it or fall victim to it. At the end of the day it just comes down to the drinker: their maturity, responsibility and additivity.

I see nothing wrong with just enjoying alcohol every now and then.
Originally Posted by Jodus View Post
Alcohol is for fools.

Oh, you don't think so? Then, explain how is it that alcohol is not stupid.

I did enjoy reading your post until this point,
You sound incredibly subjective in your statements, alcohol is just a substance, how you use it is up to you. There are good and healthy ways to use alcohol, like a glass wine to your dinner, or a beer when you want to relax in the evening. And then there are unhealthy ways to use alcohol, like drinking way too much, or drinking several times in a week. The consumption of alcohol is often a result of peer pressure yes, but so is cocaine, your ability to withstand peer pressure is your own task.

Saying alcohol is for fools is a bad statement, its like saying sugar is for fools.

Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
You can't really blame the alcohol for the problems. Most of the time it's people who you couldn't trust with scissors causing the problem then Blaming the alcohol.

This is true, If you take someone with a more aggressive/violent nature alcohol can provide with the confidence to be violent. You can say it works like an enhancer for your personality. If you take someone more peaceful without violent intents alcohol won't make you go out and perform violent acts.

As for the "alcohol is addictive", the problem isn't the alcohol itself, but the users need to escape reality. If you don't have mental/physical problems, living in very bad conditions or constantly fall under peer pressure, you aren't very likely to become addicted.

Parties are great, with alcohol as a social lubricant you can interact with people you wouldn't normally interact with, and form social bonds which you without the social confidence of alcohol wouldn't be able to form. You will also have fun doing activities you wouldn't normally find fun and interesting, and you don't need to be dangerously intoxicated to be able to do these things. I would argue that after a while you will know your limitations when it comes to alcohol, I know exactly how much alcohol I can consume before I get too drunk and will end up hungover the next day. I only get drunk around twice a month, but its a nice break from hardcore studying and everyday stress. I would much rather go to a party than staying home all night playing videogames, and no you can not have as much fun partying sober, being sober at a party is hell, trust me. Marijuana is still illegal most places in the world, so alcohol will do for now. Also not many Marijuana parties going on.
Last edited by Ezeth; Sep 20, 2015 at 11:41 AM.
I don't think reducing our capacity for quick, logical thought is necessarily a bad thing. We overthink our actions and then wither don't do them for fear of embarrassment or worry about them so much while doing them that they are no longer worthwhile. By lowering your intelligence you lower the threshold for finding things funny or impressive. Kids are pretty stupid, but they can have the time of their lives watching shows we just don't think are funny anymore. I would love to have that childishness again, regardless of how often kids manage to get themselves injured or killed in easily avoidable and totally stupid ways.

On the other hand, if alcohol was only about the taste we would all just drink alcopops since basically everyone agrees that those are delicious.

Being able to control the level of your inhibitions simply by drinking something easily obtainable is not a bad thing. It is just a matter of control really. I try to steer clear of shots because the time it takes to drink them is disproportionate to the time it takes for you to feel there effect and you won't always know how drunk the first one made you before you have had a second.
Good morning sweet princess
People drink because it's fun, sometimes this turns into a coping mechanism. That is where the problem lies. Replace drinking with anything else and you'll have similar problems.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
For me everything makes you lose your awareness is a bad habit. You are live and in life with your happinies/anger/sadness/excitement. You can turn bad ones to good ones by trying but you cant get rid of them all. Such thing isnt possible to reach w/o losing your awareness. And when you lose your awareness it isnt you. Its an animal called "Homo sapiens" and dont have a mind. So dont live as an animal!

Most of people start some dangerous/poisonous/bad habits at teen ages and they struggle later because they're addicted. Some of them leave their bad addictions. But some cant. At this point there's 2 kind of people.

1: accept its dangerous but can't leave

2- dont accept its dangerous and dont want to leave

You can talk with 1st group. Explain them what they are doing to their life. They know what's bad or good. They try...

But when it comes to 2nd group you cant do anything. Whatever you say they wont even listen. The ignorance that addiction causes is really bad. They cant control the situation because they do what their brain/body want.

p.s bored and colored with meanings/my emotions :3
Leon The Black
Originally Posted by IBlackleon View Post
For me everything makes you lose your awareness is a bad habit. You are live and in life with your happinies/anger/sadness/excitement. You can turn bad ones to good ones by trying but you cant get rid of them all. Such thing isnt possible to reach w/o losing your awareness. And when you lose your awareness it isnt you. Its an animal called "Homo sapiens" and dont have a mind. So dont live as an animal!

Most of people start some dangerous/poisonous/bad habits at teen ages and they struggle later because they're addicted. Some of them leave their bad addictions. But some cant. At this point there's 2 kind of people.

1: accept its dangerous but can't leave

2- dont accept its dangerous and dont want to leave

You can talk with 1st group. Explain them what they are doing to their life. They know what's bad or good. They try...

But when it comes to 2nd group you cant do anything. Whatever you say they wont even listen. The ignorance that addiction causes is really bad. They cant control the situation because they do what their brain/body want.

p.s bored and colored with meanings/my emotions :3

I highly agree with this post. Become intoxicated to the point you won't remember what just happened, is when you lose your personality and thinking skills temporarily. You rely on instincts during that time period.

Drinking can be fun, makes you loosen up around the edges, but don't take it too far. All good can equate to bad when you become irresponsible.
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it