there was already a thread with the exact same title where I rambled this huge pile of stuff:
Mode dependant, a very much. I've been playing for around 2 years now.
At first, I played judo for half a year, classic used to be my favorite but no-one really played it. Eventually, I got tired of judo because of the randomness/lucky wins/losses.
Then I switched to sumo, it was great fun, involved creating original starters, combos and epic survival skill. I created counters for every cheap move, until the x-punch showed up, which basically killed the mode for me. The dismemberment was slightly random, but a new mode I created called fracsumo is quite fun.
Eventually, wushu and kickbox appeared at an opportune time. First I mostly played wushu, but eventually got tired of the silly people danceoffing all over the place. the 50 frame turn also slightly reminded me of judo. some pros were very fun to fight though and this mode seemed to revive limp style.
Then, I finally switched to kickbox as my main mode and loved the 20 frame precision, it wasnt too much or too little. I could do massive velocity spinkicks, decap people every second fight, etc. I eventually made the admins remove wrist dq from the mode, as it seemed like a ridiculous luck factor in a very good mode. Especially the fights against other pros like Imsku never stopped being fun and owning noobs was fun since I kept creating new methods and increasing the velocity of my attacks.
After taking a break, I decided to create a new mode. an enhanced kickbox maybe, but I knew that would basically be impossible. I decided to remove all luck factors I could think of... apart from the DM treshold, since I feel that is somewhat of an excuse. I removed DQ as a whole to allow for epic, long battles and removing obvious luck. I switched the first two turns to 10 frames to remove first turn impact, which was one of my small dislikes with kickbox, as it created random situations.
I find betabox veery fun against similarly skilled opponents, the moves and comebacks I have seen with no DQ are quite epic. Its a little sad that the new players playing on the official server keep danceoffing all the time, they cant experience the modes true potential. I did see it coming, this was intended as a mode for pros of kickbox, to give them more freedom and less luck. Of course, you dont need to be a pro in kickbox to be able to learn to play the mode well.
Woah huge post + propaganda. anyway, this "story ark" is rather obvious. I moved from high turn frames to lower turn frames with the memory of classic in my mind, eventually creating my own mode. Maybe I will learn taek kyon some day.
+Theres always some luck due to the simultaneous turns but its highly dependant on the mode, obviously. You must also realize that not all modes are based on starters(youre even calling them "moves"), I personally dislike highly starter based modes so its a little annoying.
Last edited by Zaarock; Sep 30, 2008 at 07:08 AM.