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Force Kick for AFK
If peeps are afk for a long time, they should be fkicked from servers. All they do is take up space.

They can spec.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
This feature would help out a lot in Quick akkidos, people always being AFK or in Spec for more than an hour is not nice, none of your friends or new opponents can join.
ToXs The Green Gou On Your Shoe!
also I've noticed that sometimes you go into a server and there is only 1 afk person, sitting in spec. This would make sense due to having dead servers killed, instead of just sitting there for hours with 1 afk person in spec

I think that this shit should be the game already. Countless fucking times someone has said 'brb' or 'afk 2 mins' and then /sp and never come back. ( based off of qa )This would be soo useful

unsupported. ;)
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Originally Posted by Kikipro View Post
They are hosted by the users and GM's and are not official.

Spectating/afking in GMtournies is allowed, and usually happens after someone loses.
You can't forbid someone to watch or afk in there.

Betting servers are hosted by users, and if they wish to kick the people that are AFK, they can do it.

For betting servers, you can politely ask the host of the betting server to kick the people that are afk so your friend can come in, for example.

You spam the chat attempting to wake them up.
If you are persistent enough, one of them will come back.

never fails

Thought I'd jump in to say any event a GM hosts is considered an official server.

I fully agree with the idea, being afk in quick rooms isn't fun for anyone. But only as an optional rule (that goes without saying)

I'd like to see this implemented in all static servers, I'll talk to some people
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Ive been in tons of situations where i came back at the last second and the turn ended and i was forced afk, id rather not be kicked for that

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Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Kirito. Learn to read. A time limit was already established. Obviously you would not be kicked instantly. Thanks for the bump.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
Kirito your point is completely invalid, if you're auto-kicked just reconnect and you'll be the exact same place in the queue
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Going...Going...Gone (an idea about AFK'ers)
Think About it...
When someone just goes into afk, they are put in spectate and have an (afk) tag after their name.
e.g: Lampito(afk)...simple!

What's the suggestion/idea?
When someone goes afk, there name would be written in bold (Lampito(afk). Then after a specific time, the name will start loosing its 'thickness'. After a specific period of time has passed the name would completely disappear, disconnecting them from the server.

Why would it be a good addition to Toribash?
People who are afk take up space in servers. If they do not return to the game, they mine as well just get disconnected. People could know how long the person has been afk-ing, by the opacity of their name.
it would be alright maybe if toggle-able
would def be great for quick servers and other public servers
Can be merged with the similar suggestion made two weeks ago.

Not being allowed in a server due to idle players taking up client spots can be a downer, but I'm not sure if the opacity add-on would be necessary.