i swear i swear i swear again
earth will end after some marks happens to the people
they are called the big 10 marks
when they happen
all muslims will die by a light smoke
then allah (the god) will destroy all they world (the earth) on the bad guys
if u are muslim read your quran and u will find everything in it and u will know what will happen to the humans and the world
Power Punch
Yeah.. except it's a fictional story.
If you believe in that, no offense to you, but we're talking about scientific ways here, pal.
Scientific, as in probable and convincing ways.
Last edited by Oxide; Nov 11, 2015 at 10:03 AM.
allah (god) can do ANYTHING and i mean
u can just read religion books

havent u asked urself this question sometime?
{where have humans or animals or the earth itself come from?}
u wont find an awenser
because allah (god) can do everything he want
he says to the thing be (anything) and in a 1 sec it be
and sorry for my bad english
Last edited by mody9; Nov 11, 2015 at 10:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Power Punch
1) Earth came from the Sun, and the Sun came from a nebula.
2)from Homo Erectus, to evolve to Homo Sapiens (modern day humans),
3) Everything started from bacteria, in water. These bacteria developed into strange life, which developed into fish, and finally into amphibians..
These amphibians evolved into terrestrial animals.

I just answered your "u wont find an answer" questions.

Edit: The burden of proof is on you. You have no evidence that it all actually happened. Anyone can write a book.
Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
1) Earth came from the Sun, and the Sun came from a nebula.
2)from Homo Erectus, to evolve to Homo Sapiens (modern day humans),
3) Everything started from bacteria, in water. These bacteria developed into strange life, which developed into fish, and finally into amphibians..
These amphibians evolved into terrestrial animals.

so where did nebula come?
and where did bacteria come?
and where did the whole world come?

u must believe
god made everything from things i dont know
and made humans from water
the first human lived on the earth was named adam with his wife hawaa
if u search who made everything u will be so cunfused
god made the world and he will end it
and in the end every human will stand in the front of the god
bad guys will go in the (jahym) and it is the beggist fire ever
good guys will go in the (janna) and it is the best things u can dream with
this is the story
Power Punch
You really do need a starting of everything do you.
Nebulae are made from dust, hydrogen and helium gas, and plasma. It is formed when portions of the interstellar medium collapse and clump together due to the gravitational attraction of the particles that comprise them.

3. I already told how the Earth was made.
2. Early pre biotic oceans, exposed a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen gas and water to electrical discharges, and it ended up with bacteria.

Also, how do you know what you are saying is true? I could also write a book named "DooblyDoo" and write a fascinating story.. and classify it as non-fiction. Nobody would take a single word of it. Why? Because they know it's fiction.
why are you arguing science against religion (and vice-versa)? please don't, will just cause a shitstorm.

i haven't seen anything that would shatter earth's structure (disrupt/disable its gravity) and pretty much make it cease being a planet, but life on earth will end.....on a pretty variable time. the many reasons are already stated here, nuclear war, asteroids etc.

it depends on when the earth ends if we can do interplanetary/interstellar explorations. in the near future, not much hope, only a mars mission, a planet with below average conditions for life. we can expect much more as time passes, though.
He wanted me to answer those questions, so I did.
I also did answer the topic, but he was the one to bring religion into it (;_;)
Last edited by Oxide; Nov 11, 2015 at 11:08 AM.
This thread fascinated me to do some research, and found this and had one heck of a time reading it.

They say the earth will end eventually because of the sun blowing up, and thus wiping out the solar system. But as you know, the sun still has millions, maybe billions, of years to become a Red Giant and blow up. If billions, the earth will not end in a way where the sun will blow up, but will collide with another galaxy called Andromeda.
Originally Posted by Google
Andromeda galaxy will actually collide with the Milky Way in about 2 billion years, according to the most recent Hubble Space Telescope measurements of the motion of Andromeda and the Milky Way

There are two possible ways of the earth ending; Naturally or by Humans.
Search this up in goog:
Global warming might also happen

at science class, we're currently studying seismology and earth-related topics, and we watched this movie called 'The Core' . Look it up, it's a very logical movie,, exept for the part where they go to the core and survive. it shows a lot of ways on what condition will affect parts of the earth, like the ozone layer,and what is most likely to happen to us humans.

as for meteorites and falling bodies, if they fall to the athmosphere in clusters, they are most likely to destroy civilization or the earth itself. If one big-ass meteorite hits the crust of the earth, it might cause all the plates and faults to go about and volcanoes eruptng, because of all the earth squeezing in the mantle where the lava lies. Maybe not only volcanoes will produce the lava, maybe mountaintops will be holed, causing some lava will flow out of those mountains.*

Oop! Let's not forget about the body that covers 2/3's of the earth's surface; Water.
Because of the meteorite impact, Tsunamis will occur. period.

*Dont hate me, i am already hated.

I don't beleive in gods, although i am a catholic myself
and Mody9 is an egyptian. Hi mody~

Some is my theory, some is google's theory.
Last edited by Lust; Nov 11, 2015 at 01:56 PM.
Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
1) Earth came from the Sun, and the Sun came from a nebula.

The Earth was formed by particals and dust around the sun, not from the sun.

This seems like a bad thread, like it is just going to turn into a religion vs. science fight.
Last edited by RAWWRH; Nov 11, 2015 at 01:57 PM.