Christmas Lottery
Original Post
mod rank 1 prize
I am rank 1 in any mod,so if I stay being rank 1 in this mod for 10 days,I will won 10K,if i get 20 days,20K,a full month,30K,thats not farmable,and a good reward.
i'm going to make a simple mod and play it with my buddy in private to get prizes!
Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
i'm going to make a simple mod and play it with my buddy in private to get prizes!

Dude, only official servers are ranked. If you play with your friend in a private room all you're going to win is QI.

Originally Posted by tunadao View Post
At all thats 'skill',and noobs dont come for ranked servers :/

Yes, they do. Specially on tourneys.
and basically every ranked server have the same mods of tourneys,farming in ranked is impossible cuz if they is noob they will quit,the mods get rank 1 for the peoples of tourneys :/
No, this has been mentioned before when the staff was changing the way ranks were going to work. And in no way, shape, or form should mod rank prizes (this meaning more than one because there is more than one mod rank) also be included in the already huge prize giveaway that is the rank 1 prize. The current method is already questionable in its ability to prevent farming. Adding a second and possibly easier way to get 1 million TC in less than a mounth is not a good idea.
Last edited by Fates; Dec 14, 2015 at 03:09 PM.
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