I'ma just recommend you to either get good at modding, contacting Odlov to make a mod or getting good enough to watch out for dq's.
Owner of Fred
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Guys just think a little!!!
The head doesn`t dq in the mod mushu.tbm
So take a look at what mod looks like (the actuall file) and figure out whats different and adapt the differences to other bodyparts.

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

Originally Posted by tuisan View Post
Playing single player and on private servers with friends

If you want online mods that allow you (to a certain degree) to touch the ground, I recommend you check out :

- ninjutsu (No dq (disqualification)) inside the dojo

- Lenshu, (20 frame dq (aka you'll need 20 frames of touching the ground to be dq))

- rk-mma (40dq frames)

- or Erth-tk (No dq inside dojo).

There are TONS of different mods with a lot of variations. I'm sure you can find a no dq aikido mod somewhere, but if you wanna play on the public servers, those are the mods you'll want to look for. (For a newer player, erth would be the easiest. I reccomend lenshu tho, great for learning how to balance yourself.)
Last edited by DashSora; Dec 31, 2015 at 10:37 AM.
Originally Posted by Ukephile View Post
Guys just think a little!!!
The head doesn`t dq in the mod mushu.tbm
So take a look at what mod looks like (the actuall file) and figure out whats different and adapt the differences to other bodyparts.

you sir have an idea so wrong it's not funny.

yes mushu heads don't dq, the neck does. but you can't compare what is different and replace all differences with mushu rules, you will only get mushu.

Since we are talking about mods what you are gonna want to do is either find one that has the rules desired, do what triton said cause he's smart, or get good at modding, recreate aikido and add what values you want to the tori (SUCH AS NO DQ)

just do what triton said tho he's smart and sexy.
Sorry for late help but that post quoted would confuse the poor kid so much.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert