Original Post
Slight Changes for Textures
My suggestion is to allow body textures to be transparent so you can see the colour of the gradient under it.

Joint textures are more like tattoos, they show over the colour of the joint. However, body textures don't do this. By making body textures "tattoos", you would be able to see the gradient colour under it. This would work really well with Pure colours, as pure is whiter than the normal white, so this way you dont have slightly greyed textures with the Pure force.

This would also help people who make textures to fit different sets, as instead of making multiple texture files with different colours, you can have one set with see-through parts in order to see the gradient underneath. While this may not be the best way to save Tc, it will help free some space on computers, and reduce clutter.
Originally Posted by PixelateTori View Post
This is more for pure colours, since it's whiter than the normal white.
However, this is very true. It just bothers me that the normal white is darker than Pure.
I think it's just a personal preference, since im an artist, and if something's off, it bothers.

Pure is white-white, the difference people see entirely depends on their hardware & the graphics mode they're using. Best to stick to the RGB values the game says and use that for the base.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Rekd View Post


sorry to pop in as i'm not really contributing to the discussion, but @pixelatetori, you can overlay that png ^ onto your art to shade it down to default values compensating for pure. I found it on some Tinerr set thread a while back, so hopefully it helps with your issue

You just put that grey thing over? or is it not meant to be grey?
What I've done in the past is use gimp's 'color to alpha' tool to get rid of all white, and then merge the semi-transparent result to a background of that grey tile. If you have any other questions feel free to pm me
endless around, infinite within. you step.