Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
try something new.. everything is the same pose and perspective.. get acquainted with anatomy.. and just practice practice practice

the only post i saw so far with any real backing that i'm aware of, nor is white knighting or flaming

anyway, as pirateking said, try out new things

i'm not bothered by the pose and perspective as much as i'm bothered by the general composition. shading and lighting can definitely be improved on as well. i recommend smoothing out the edges to make your work seem less crude.

i hate to put it like this, but i recommend posting somewhere else like deviantart and requesting critique. the art board on toribash is practically dominated by those who shame anything amateurish and considered "outlandish". so, unless you're the general painter who paints people, flowers, and other stuff, you won't get constructive criticism here. just how it is and how it will be.
the goblin
Originally Posted by Marrez View Post
i hate to put it like this, but i recommend posting somewhere else like deviantart and requesting critique. the art board on toribash is practically dominated by those who shame anything amateurish and considered "outlandish". so, unless you're the general painter who paints people, flowers, and other stuff, you won't get constructive criticism here. just how it is and how it will be.

you dont get much critique on dA
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
you dont get much critique on dA

yeah true, even when you request it it doesn't happen often

but it's worth a try
the goblin
There's not many places to get reliable critique beyond paid drawing courses, honestly. People are lazy fucks in that regard, because it takes effort and usually only pays out in the sense that the victim artist might take it to heart and try to improve. :v

Anyhoo, i'll try leaving my personal tastes out of this:

There IS improvement through your gallery, and that is good. However, it'd still be cool to see you experimenting a bit more. Almost EVERY SINGLE character you've drawn in there is staring straight into the viewers soul (or in two separate directions); it wouldn't be so bad if it was just kind of a sideways glance, but in many cases, the viewer is not an important part of the image itself. You can think of it as a bit like a shitty live-action sitcom: The actors usually look at each other while the laugh track is playing at their hilarious antics, but will also sometimes glance into the camera for comedic effect. Facing the viewer directly is a rather situational thing, and most certainly shouldn't be the default state. So, long story short, try turning the head around a little.

Also, poses. Try out some new ones. While it's good to see that your newer drawings are starting to unglue the arms from the torso, there are still more poses than "limp arms" and "waving at viewer". The latter is vaguely more interesting, but ultimately they both bear witness to a lack of thought about the pose, or perhaps even avoidance. Proper posing can be hard, but oh my goodness is it ever important, because it breathes SO MUCH LIFE into a drawing.

Your latest piece is the best one for sure, and i'm starting to see what might be the beginning of your personal style, BUT! DO NOT REST ON YOUR LAURELS. Cartoony or not, hair doesn't sit on top of ones head like a wet sponge (unless you explicitly shave away all the hair beneath your scalp), and the pose is rather tense for a guy sitting in a couch.

As a final note, EYES. In reality, eyes almost always cross a little, unless you're a shellshocked veteran sporting a thousand yard stare. In cartoony styles, it's great to exaggerate this crossing a little, because that really helps with making it look like your characters are focused on SOMETHING. It really doesn't take all that much.

also obligatory Andrew Loomis recommendation because that book is great and also yes keep practicing of course
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Hey look theres a new one with a different pose and looking position WOW haven't seen that before
Brony Time dahahahahahahahahaha
Originally Posted by Scottywork View Post
Hey look theres a new one with a different pose and looking position WOW haven't seen that before

stop being so salty, calm down and be chill no matter what they say...

its bad

but it'll get better
instead of him just standing there how about something more bold, ye? idc if its bad or not but the fact that every drawing is relatively similar is annoying if u want cnc.
Originally Posted by Scottywork View Post
Hey look theres a new one with a different pose and looking position WOW haven't seen that before

You're not really good at being snarky, so please drop the act. Different pose? No, it's still "hands glued to sides". New looking position? Yes indeed, props where due. The majority of your drawings are staring directly into the viewers soul (the obviously traced drawings don't count here), so this is a step forward. All things considered, it's not even a half-bad turn of the head, just be sure to remember that you're rotating a sphere, not shunting things sideways on a circle.

Next step: POSE. Basically, go more in this direction, because that's the best pose in your gallery, even though the feet are painfully twisted (try standing like that, it's not easy at all). There's no magic trick to it, i'm afraid, just some regular guidelines. Let the limbs move around, bend them a bit at the joints, and practice a shit ton (and make sure the feet are pointing the right way). Also swooshylines (courtesy of Android Arts), but first, focus on the basic stuff.

Also, anatomy note: I know this is a cartoony kind of style, but peoples shoulders don't go up behind the back of their heads, at least not people who aren't Ork-tier hunchbacked. Also note: Try to get a grip on how the body is proportioned in reality. Trust me when i say that it's incredibly hard to stylize/simplify reality (which is exactly what many cartoony styles do) when you don't know how it looks.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Don't waste your time posting your art on the tb forums... TyZi will find you.

stay positive with your art and keep finding ways to get better.

I completely agree that you need to do something different though.