Blue/half way to brown
no other clan
reason to join: well you guys seem pretty awesome teaching noobs like me that the game is really fun to play i want to do that too teaching noobs like me tricks and skills in TS
p.s i have steam.
pp.s i am pretty okay in TS an jousting
Belt:Black belt
Skills:mushu,boxshu,wushu,aikido,And ABD
Previous clans:nightshade
Reason to join:I want to help this clan make it to the top and make some new friends
Met any members:yeah I met RRDube420
Accept the rules of clans:yes
Anything else you want to add:I don't have skype
Belt:Black belt
Previous clans:nightshade
Reason to join clan: I wanna help this clan make it to the top and make some friends
Met any members:I've met RRDube420
Accept the rules of the clan:yep
Anything else you want to add: I don't have skype
Sorry I duplicated it
Belt:Black belt
Previous clans:nightshade
Reason to join clan: I want this clan to make it to the top and make some new friends
Met any members:I've met RRDube420
Accept the rules of clan: yep
Anything else you want to add: I don't have skype
Sorry again it keeps duplicating
Age: 14
Belt: blue (almost brown)
Skills: judo, Twin Swords, Mushu, Wushu, akido
Previous Clans: mystic
Reason to join clan: I Want to join so that i can help out and is active.
Met any members: none
Accept the rules of the clan: yes
Anything else you want to add: I have steam. i know you probably will not accept me because i am a blue belt but if you give me a chance i will not fail you.
1. 16
2. Black
3. I'm decent in Akido, but i love twinswords, i should practice other mods too :l, i'll try to do that
4. Nope
5. Tired of being lonely, tired of seeing all of those clan tags and looking at my name, and seeing none.
6. Well, swaggerb0y, RRDube420, Dylan4000, shockimusprime
7. Yes, i completely accept dem rules
8. I have steam and skype and stuff, if you need it for any reason.
Hi i'm NetShock if you can remember me from the mushu/twinsword match i'm kinda interested to join ur clan. im black belt and im 18 and im good at almost everything except for mushu/wushu this will be the first clan i join. I met Dube himself in the match i mentioned earlier. I think i can follow the rules of the clan. Though i might accidently break the rules sometimes:P. Optional:I like deadmau5 and Skrillex. They're my favourite dj's. Yeah, i know this is useless info XD
oh and i'm on steam