Originally Posted by Tree View Post
All I can afford to buy is ramen, I've been trying to not eat much of that. I eat everything they provide at school but no telling how healthy that is or what's in it. When they have fruit I try to grab a lot of it without getting caught. I eat maybe 3-4 fruits a day. I drink a lot of milk and water. I drink a coke about 3 times a week but I'm working on getting rid of soda completely.

Based on this would I be better off with a 5 day a week workout or 3 day? Or maybe something different?

I also have a trampoline (a real one, not one of the small workout ones) that I jump in for about 30 minutes a day with my little brother.

On another note, would it be better/worse/no difference to have different rest days for the push-ups and squats?

Perhaps you accidentally skipped over this post
It's impossible for me to get an idea of what you're eating and how hard you're actually pushing yourself.

If you can start logging your calories, that would help tremendously. I recommend using an app/website like Myfitnesspal.

If you don't know what your target calories is, I'd recommend using something that uses the Mifflin St.Jeor equation to calculate your BMR. If you google that, you'll come up with a Calorie Calculator that uses your Age, Sex, Height, and activity level to come up with how many calories you need to eat to remain your weight. If you're trying to gain muscle, the rule of thumb is eat 500 calories more than that.

If all you can afford is ramen noodles, I highly recommend avoiding using much of the flavoring as it has an insane amount of sodium in it.

At your level of training, you could do push-ups and squats on the same day without any difference. You're still missing out on training your back though. Add in pull ups or chin ups. If you over develop your chest and it's too strong for your back, your shoulders will roll forward more, your posture will decline, and you'll be in chronic pain.

How many days a week is going to require you figuring out what results you're having. If you can recover from 5 days a week then do 5. If you're halting in progression, do 3 because you're either not eating enough or not giving your body adequate recovery.

Yes a trampoline is good cardio.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Thanks I'll use all these suggestions. I'll keep this open for a while I case someone wants to chime in
First you must correct your diet:

If you spend more calories than you consume, you simply will not gain weight, regardless of the food that you consume.

Consume at the minimum 2g protein per kg

The amount of calories to gain muscle should be calculated using a formula as this:

24,2 x Body weight + 500 for men.
22 x Body weight + 500 for women.

It is much easier to use the calculator as Bodhisattva said

Example: a man of 80kg need of 1936 daily calories at rest, and 2436 daily calories for gains of muscle.

Now you need to set the amounts of carbohydrates and fats that should be consumed daily:

as you did not provide your weight, I will use the weight of a man of 80kg

Carbohydrate contains 4 calories per gram
Fat contains 9 calories per gram

30% of 2436 is 730,8 / 4 (amount of calories that protein has per gram) = 182,7g of protein per day.
50% de 2436 is 1218 / 4 = 304,5g of carbohydrates per day.
20% of 2436 is 487,2 / 9 = 54,13g of fat per day.

Now we know that we must fulfill some requirements in our daily diet.

The next step is to distribute these amounts in your daily meals. You should eat at least 6 times a day (there are several reasons for this, but not is a rule) as long as you ingest the necessary amount of calories and (macro nutrients, of course), it will not matter how many times you eat or the that hours you if feeds. And you need if familiarize with the nutritional values of foods(It is a thing very important)

You need to drink at least three liters of water a day.
Sleep at least 7-8 hours per day.

My advice to you:
Get used the eat foods that you do not like, eat amounts of food that you does not support and understand that muscle hypertrophy is a long term process.

Now that we know two of three main concepts to gain muscle mass, let's go to the last


training in the gym bro, is the better than you do;

You think that your muscles will grow if your workout not is heavy? Of course not! If the workout is light, it is a sign that your muscles are already accustomed to the work that you are doing. Therefore, you should hamper this work

Unlike what many think, the progressive overload does not mean putting more weight in the exercises. There are several other ways to hamper a workout, how to increase the sets, reps, decrease the rest time, decrease the speed of execution of movements, increase range of motion, etc.The important is always increase muscle stress of somehow.

Training divisions:

My favorite training divisions

upper / lower
push / pull

very simple, but by no means to be despised, quite the contrary, great for those who want to develop strength, and also hypertrophy, its frequency causes more rapid changes in shape, (especially beginners)

ABC distribution

With her we obtain a better distribution of muscle groups while maintaining a better rhythm, the workout should always be sequential, your muscles not know that day of the week is, so no matter if you will train chest, back or leg on monday.

Limit the exercise aerobic

The final result will be a guy with less muscle and much more skinny, Other physical activities, beyond of training with weight , also go suck your muscle recovery. If the focus is hypertrophy, the other goals should be set aside temporarily.

I will talk a little about the main exercises


By doing the deadlift, check the initial height of the bar. 23cm is very good , varying a few cm according to the person's height. If the bar is at a height less than that, you can have great difficulty performing the movement.
But beware: you should not let the bar highest so that it becomes easier to run. It should only be the minimum necessary for perform correctly.


The basic:

Rippetoe Press

Bench press

Your training partner can help raise the bar if you no can longer make any repetition and prevent it locks in his chest, and not to pull the bar in first repetition.

not leave your elbows at height of shoulders, going down the bar between the neck and the upper chest. like this:

This is a common form of bench press among bodybuilders because isolates his chest, but is the leading cause of shoulder injuries.

The bar should touch the chest just below the nipples



Exercises that you can do at home











Frank Medrano

I have 3 years of bodybuilding and 7 won in competitions; gg
Last edited by Bruno; Jan 25, 2016 at 09:28 AM.
You are 100% fine as you are. To get rid of the lactic acid just drink water and never forget to eat a lot of protein so that you can actually build muscle. Warmup before you exercise to prevent injury and stretch afterwords, gl in becoming for m8 <3
"Sometimes I want to be a girl, other times I want to be a boy, but most times I want to be a cactus." -Matarika