Username: Hans
Belt: Custom Belt
Join date: 02/20/2008
Activity in-game(1-7 days a week): 5-7
Activity in the forum(1-7 days a week): 5-7
Skype Username: You already have it.
Mods skilled in: Wushu, Taekkyon, ErthTkV2.
Toribash related skills(art, replays, videos,etc.): Art, Replays.
Reason you want to join JackAzz-CLAN: The clan is a part of me, and now that I'm back in the swing of things, I would like to be a part of it.
JackAzz Members you know: dabarrett, samdolf5, EnTrance, GamingPro928, xSteelBone, pretty much all of the a bit older guys.
Previous Clans you've been in: JackAzz, Pain, Momentum, Inner Calm Outer Fury.
How long you were in them: 4-5 months, 6 months, 1 year.
Reason you left: Got burned out on Toribash and retired.
Have you read the Clan Rules: Yes.
Do you accept the Clan Rules: Yes.