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Raising Toribash's awareness
It's no news that the community seem to be slowly dying, each time there are less active threads and there are more players quitting toribash than new players trying it. This game is quite old, around ten years already but this doesnt mean it should die now, here I will leave a few suggestions which might help to keep it alive:

1st: Making things easier for new players. The current tutorials aren't bad but they dont help too much when you are new. They are already interactive but I believe that they should have audio as well and a larger variety of them.
For instance: like a tutorial on how to host your server or how to use the market and stuff like that. Dont tell me that you can find those here in the forums because most new players dont even check them.

2nd: Right now toribash is DMR free. However, adding a launcher might help new players as well as making it easier to update it. While loading, there you can show a few vids of the game, popular events as well as some tutorials and that kind of stuff. I would also add there links to the forums, probably to the IRC and clan boards.

3rd: The easiest way to raise the awareness of a game is having popular youtuber playing it. Yes Markiplier did ONE vid about it but that's not enough, what we need instead is a serie of gameplays which keeps viewers interested in the game. This might be the hardest of my suggestions since convising a well-known youtuber to play such a hard game which they probably didnt even know that existed and make a serie out of it kinda sounds impossible.
To make it more possible we should try to convise them by offering to help them to learn how to play and maybe give them some in-game intems, such as 3d items or maybe some textures. What really matters here is that they keep uploading vids about it encouraging their viewers to try it themselfs

4th: Some players get really frustated by how hard is to get in gane items without spending money, remeber that not everyone knows how to make good art and that at the beginning you cant just go around winning tournaments. Adding rewards from loging-in and when you get promoted to the next belt might decrease this frustation.
I am not saying that they should get 1kk tc each time they get to the next belt but maybe something like 1k or 2k would be nice. This however should change from belt to belt, when you are a white belt and become a yellow belt you should get something like 250 tc and it should increase each time you rank up. The daily reward from logging in should work pretty much the same way, take warframe log-in rewards as an example, they arent great but they keep players loging in constantly.

5th and last one: dividing the in game chat in the room chat, support, region, clan chat and IRC. This might sound a bit odd but its actually quite useful and will make it easier to acces the stuff members, specially for those who arent used to using the forums.

Alright that is what I suggest, I hope this helps the community to keep alive. We must keep this game alive, its worth the effort!
Alright, i will seriously try to help, not by offering a solution, because i don't know one, but i will share my experience of what happens every time i have tried to get a friend to play. Two of my friends have said this when i showed the game to them (note, this is actually one of the FIRST things they said):
"WTF! look at their asses! HAHAHAHAHAHA! GAYYY!
And then (this has happened to me twice aswell) they download the game and as soon as it is done loading they say, oh well i might play it later. They never do...

Something about the game seems unatractive to them, i don't know why.

I havent got a SINGLE friend to play for an extended period of time, my record is 4 plays. Then they stop, often with a comment like: "This game is weird... "or : "This game is too hard" And then they off-install it and start playing either LoL, CS or some other mindless game.

I see a striking beauty in TB: Two people, one on one, no luck, no random crits.
A multiplayer match might look rough and unrealistic, but when you have played the game for a while, you learn to see the complete beauty in the fight, even when there is only two white-belts fighting against eachother.

I see TB as one of the few games that is truly dependant on YOUR skill, not your teams, or the random crits.
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
Alright, i will seriously try to help, not by offering a solution, because i don't know one, but i will share my experience of what happens every time i have tried to get a friend to play. Two of my friends have said this when i showed the game to them (note, this is actually one of the FIRST things they said):
"WTF! look at their asses! HAHAHAHAHAHA! GAYYY!
And then (this has happened to me twice aswell) they download the game and as soon as it is done loading they say, oh well i might play it later. They never do...

Something about the game seems unatractive to them, i don't know why.

I havent got a SINGLE friend to play for an extended period of time, my record is 4 plays. Then they stop, often with a comment like: "This game is weird... "or : "This game is too hard" And then they off-install it and start playing either LoL, CS or some other mindless game.

Ive found this to be a constant problem when trying to get others to play the game. Really I have only 2 friends who used to play the game for a while. Everyone else i show the game too things Im doing witchcraft by being able to correctly move the joints in a fashion that doesn't look like flailing.
[VIBE] 2015~2016 | Team Pokemon | [Origin] 2014~2015 | Team Aikido | [Obey] ~Because Frost Said So...
that is precisely the problem of toribash. it can't be magically 'fixed' by doing other things. it has a really high learning curve, no doubts about it, and we can't change that. it's very hard to learn, and that's why people quit quickly, and the appeal of toribash stays at some thousand people. now, look at games like csgo. they are pretty easy to get a hang of, you just point and shoot. it's that easy. but toribash is very hard, and it puts people off. you can't fix it.

haha, i've shown it to my friends who don't play toribash, and when i show them my replays, they don't believe i made them.
I think that getting new people to start playing the game would be great and a big thing to our community and because i have a strong love for this community advertising toribash would be a good step for getting new players to join us and play the game. But getting a popular youtuber to play the game would be the hardest task because we cant simply demand them to play the game. Im currently trying to get my friends and my whole school to try this game but they dont seem to like alot because the game is complicated and hard to play. Atleast some of my friends seem to like the game and they say its a bit dull and boring when playing the game in free play but they like it in multiplayer. Adding new stuff to the game would also boost the experience of a first time player and keep him intrested which means new features and new gamemodes.

Im not completely sure if advertising the game would help but we could give it a try and see how many people would join us in 1 week,maybe even add a statistic board to see the downfall and the upgrades to our community.

bone fuck my ray romano bluray
I hate the idea of a launcher because steam already does that. You can't get easier updating than just letting steam do it when updates are available. That's my gripe with games like warthunder and everything that launches through uplay etc or some other face between steam and the actual game.
"Oh let's play this" *launcher opens* "Oh yea that's right I haven't played in a while and now here are some gigabytes worth of updates"

Forum banners mirrored or some other advertising of the wider community in the game client could be good though. Maybe the menu screen or something but I'm not a fan of the launcher idea.

Also regarding the barrier to entry in regards to items and stuff for new players I actually have something in the works for that.
Well advertising it wouldnt be easy. I think that this game doesnt have enough publicity, maybe if they shocasted it in a irl event or something like that...

Instead of the launcher what could be made is an interface in-game similar to what Cs:go has. There when you open the game you would be connected to the forums through that ingame browser, that way more ppl would check them and so there would be more active members. Also I doubt that Tb's updates ever match the weight of War thunder's but yeah that would be a bit annoying
No, no, tb doesn't need a launcher, nor does it need a fancy "CS-esk main menu" what it needs is a better ranking system, a better matchmaking system, and a simpler, more on-the-point main menu. A launcher fo a game as "small" as tb would just be weird.

There also needs to be a version where the tori's look more like real people, perhaps even a completely new version of tb, where you can choose, not only what joints will move, but also how fast they will move.

There also needs to be advertisements, preferably with a slogan like: "Don't worry, it gets easier."
So that people don't simply give up after 30 minutes.

We need high ranking youtubers to play it, we need a "competitive" element to it, something that people actually can make a living on. but all this requires a large fanbase.

We are in a locked circle my friends, maybe we should just be happy that only we, a couple of thousand people are vastly superior to everyone else because we realise that tb is infact the best comp-game ever.

Let the player-base sink... And die...
I'm not too sure how I feel about the launcher. I like the idea of having events, your Tori and a way to the forums like the Warframe launcher, but I don't see a total point to it like Solax said Steam already kinda does that. I thinking he menu it that could work out with the events soon maybe just have a banner and a forum option.

The Matchmaking system is still in beta so I wouldent judge it yet and just give them time to finalize it before discussing that.

There were a lot of previous suggestions about a % of force you put in but I think that's just a bad idea and will make the game even more confusing which I think would turn new players away even more.

I think about the Youtubers it wouldent be too realistic to have some super huge Youtuber play it consistently. I think even just some Toribash YouTube channels would be great for the community though and might spark someone interest into trying the game.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Joints dont need a re work, maybe a bit on how they look but the way the funtion is ok, if you want less speed you dont just contract or extend, you use hold and relax as well

Rember that some of who play toribash, like me, dont use the steam version so we have to re download it each time there is an update (If we get to know that there is one).
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I hate the idea of a launcher because steam already does that. You can't get easier updating than just letting steam do it when updates are available. That's my gripe with games like warthunder and everything that launches through uplay etc or some other face between steam and the actual game.
"Oh let's play this" *launcher opens* "Oh yea that's right I haven't played in a while and now here are some gigabytes worth of updates"

You know, this isn't really a valid argument for toribash: this game is updated infrequently and the updates are minor at best. What would need gigs of data?

I don't disagree that a full-bodied launcher (warthunder/league of legends style) would be somewhat of an overkill, however. Nonetheless, I do strongly feel like the 'landing screen', the first thing you see when you open the game, needs to at least resemble a launcher. Advertising community events etc. would be extremely beneficial in my opinion.

As for the matchmaking ideas being proposed: I really don't think the playerbase is large enough to support some kind of queue system. Regardless, I feel like an integral part of toribash's longevity is the fact that players have to wait in lobbies with other players to play: this promotes community interaction and its not something I'd like to see go, to be honest.