Barbie Horse Adventures is pretty good.

The last boss is amazing
User was infracted for this signature. (Useless signature)
Symphony of the Night.

If you disagree, you are wrong.

"Tribute!? You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!"
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Originally Posted by Diealready View Post

especially Portal

Damn, I was going to say that.. but more specifically. Half-life 2.. It has like the best weapons and graphics of most console games.
some young kids LOVE pokemon,and even some adults. i know when i was little is was a pokemon horre.
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
I am going to say God Hand, because everyone else is going to say either, Halo, Half-life, Zelda, or some gimmick game.
Last edited by RbLcK; Oct 13, 2008 at 04:17 AM.

Originally Posted by Viris_Laborer View Post
i also like ff7 but i perfer ff10-2

ff10-2 was the absolute WORST game it has ever been my misfortune to play. It completely destroyed the ending of ff10, and the gameplay was absolutely horrendous.

On a different note, as cliche as it is, I will have to go with ff7 or lotd