thanks everyone
i think about to write a tutorial how to make similar pictures, but it is so hard, first time, with me novice english
everyone could make pictures, you need to practice and be better and better.

I made another one, another colors another style
Sooooo check it!


I dont made any text, cuz if someone want to buy it, i will drawn your name or what you would, just PM me!
Last edited by Kopi; Oct 29, 2008 at 06:28 PM.
I like the way you separate the colors parallel with the Tori's arm. Nice, but you should blend it with the colors, the yellow doesn't fit. 7/10

i wrote here long ago, but i made a lot of tutorial and took some hints from the masters and there's some sig to show you!:

yay! my fav!

rate if you want
I prefer the second one the best, easiest to see.

The last one seems to be scratched all the way on the left side, don't think it looks good.

All in all, quite nice.