It looks really good but in my opinion theres a little too much noise in the very top of the head because the surface of the helmet is rsther smooth isnt it?

Now for the murica flag patch :P
Extremely nice
looks a little fake though

maybe work on 1 layer

and be more intense on lights/darks

Better redid whole thing - Im in love with screws I some how made, lol.
Still needs work tho, neck will also get some details still.
Sup nerd
A tip, make the screws smaller and shade around them to make it look like they're actually not gigantic bolts. Otherwise it looks dope!
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I wont lié the flat looked awfully wierd but that ingame pic is completely the oposite.
Thats damn good
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Swepples View Post
A tip, make the screws smaller and shade around them to make it look like they're actually not gigantic bolts. Otherwise it looks dope!


As you can see on the picture of one of the helmets I based this on actually got bolts. Sorry for saying screws, as I am not english by native I always thought they were kinda the same thing, my bad.

I guess the flat is pretty strange but its still a wip, I'm happy with the ingame looks so far will need to add more details overall.
Sup nerd
try adding a camo overlay to the helmet? I don't know how specific the guy was...

can you also give ingame pics/ pm me a link to an unwatermarked hed so I can try some of my ideas out?

I promise not to sell or steal or anything bad.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.