Begging To Join Application
1.)My Real Name is Grahita Tude. Ingame its Draigoon12
3.)skype or not:i don't have skype but i have twitter and instagram
4.)best mods:aikido,mushu,boxshu
5.)reason for joining: cuz i want friends and i have a friend here
6.)how long u will stay(loyalty): until the clan dies
7.)Stuff about you: i'm a drummer,an amateur replay maker,i'm smart,a game hacker
8.)do you like to war: WAR = LIFE
9.) stuff about you ingame or if ur active more forum than ingame:i'm really active ingame,but not in the forums i just come to the forums to check clan invites and declare wars.
10.) i can help this clan be number 1
11.) these are my replay.Exotronia is my alt