The main difference between machines and humans other than the fact that they can't think for themselves, but have the ability to process large amounts of information very quickly. In order to have feelings, I believe you need to have the ability to
learn build information and make hypothesis without a guaranteed goal. I highly doubt with the capability of the two things machines and humans possess combined would lead to any "take over disaster." If anything, they would be more capeable at expansion and would appreciate the value in knowledge. These robots would be able to calculate the value in general decency some of us have problems with because they can do it at such a fast rate. These machines won't require redundant competition because it would simply hold them back. These robots could probably come up with a way to stop killing period by utilizing every which solution possible. That's note for a major breakthrough.
The egocentric mind that things need to be controlled and the fact that some of us indeed now have to be, is our limiting factor and block as an evolving society. We have been drilled that deterrence and might are the only ways you can get anywhere. Machines that can process millions will not be subjugated to destroying themselves and others for trivial world dominance. If anything, they would be more interested in going to Mars.
If we had a super machine processing at quantum or electric speed with feelings, our opportunities would be as endless as generated numbers on a webpage. Robots with feelings is not a bad idea at all imo.
Humans are also too damn afraid of change.
Last edited by WAPOW; Apr 27, 2016 at 07:59 AM.