As someone who's been living in Canada for their whole life after my parents moved all the way from the Philippines, Canada has been a great and welcoming home. I feel as if I have an advantage, but I'll abuse it I guess. Here are the reasons as to why Canada is fucking great, eh.
First off, the nature. Since I live in Toronto, there's almost someone everywhere. The downtown core is crowded as fuck, and sometimes you need to get away to somewhere not man-made and something natural. As rot3ex said, Niagara Falls is a great example, as it is one of the great natural wonders. Algonquin Park is a tranquil place to go camping, or canoeing as I did (but I fell out into the water ;( ). Just because I spoke of Toronto doesn't mean there are plenty more beautiful natural places all over Canada, such as the mountains of B.C.
Second of all, the diversity. In Toronto, there are many cultures. From Asians (predominantly South-Easterns in my area) to Europeans of all types, they each offer something special, and are all nice (which is a common trait in Canadians). Let's take food for example. We are free to share our beloved delicacies to others. Canadians themselves offer great things as well, such as poutine, or ketchup potato chips! Different cultures also bring traditions with them. Sometimes if it is known enough or well-received they would host a parade or something else of the same proportion, further sharing their own experiences with the other people of Canada.
Third of all, hockey. I play hockey. I enjoy hockey. Hockey is a wonderful sport, played on ice where two teams battle to push a puck into the other team's net. It has such a thrill, and I don't know how to explain it, one can only experience it and enjoy it for themselves. The competitive hockey in Canada is also very entertaining, so even if you don't play hockey there's always a way to enjoy it. I apologize to lacrosse because I don't play or watch it at all, but it's also cool, eh.
Finally, we're better than the U.S. Why? Donald Trump. That's all. (#feelthebern)
Yeah, go Canada. But the other countries of the world aren't so bad either <3 We just have better bacon and maple syrup than you, that's all.
6 god
Last edited by nord; Jul 2, 2016 at 04:38 PM.