Invitation system
This is about an invitation system. Let's imagine that a player A just created a spar server, adjusting all the required gamerules (engagedistance, mod, ... etc). Then he notices that his friend B has just connected. Instead of leaving his server in order to join B, A could do something like : "/invit B". B would see a notification on his screen like a "whisper" message, saying "A has invited you to his server : sparlikeagod", then B could click on it and be automatically redirected to A's server.
Or even during a war: when he sees another clan coming, he could just invite all clan players ingame with this command instead of op someone else, leaving the room, comeback in the room, asking for reop and all that stuff.
Traduction by Terrabytz (with the help of Hannw)
Last edited by ultimatumm; Nov 8, 2016 at 09:45 PM.