Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Flow View Post
Holy false equivalency batman. Deporting people who knowingly broke the law =/= mass genocide.

You completely missed what TPK said. Hitler didn't immediately start ordering the slaughter of people. It did start out with mildly racist claims, then the Jews became the focus of his (and the rest of Germany's) aggression. Then they were forced to identify themselves. Then they were removed from their homes and businesses and moved into low income housing. THEN they were shipped off to concentration camps. This all happened over the course of 7-8 years, it was a slow burn. Trump's comments against muslims and, to a lesser extent, Mexicans/illegal immigrants do show some similarities with Hitler's views and comments soon after being appointed Chancellor.

I'm not saying that Trump is Hitler reincarnated or that he will be the downfall of the US; only that there are a few disturbing similarities. Also Godwin's law.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
While you're here, whadda ya reckon about the travel ban Hawkes?
Last edited by Ele; Mar 7, 2017 at 02:58 PM.
God. I reading some of the stupid liberal shit that you guys are saying, and it's fucking mind blowing.

"Let's revolt in an already jacked America, yeah that will fix it."

A1 ideas from Ele right there.

In all reality, his views on immigration I feel are more than justified. Our vetting process at the moment is pretty fucking terrible, which is why the travel ban was first put into place. America needs time to fix the horrid process, and make it safer for our OWN people, before we begin dealing with other people.

Being here legally is perfectly fine in my books. It's the Illegal ones that are the issues. Some people come here, don't register, and are like ghosts. Their children go to public education, and since undocumented illegal aliens don't pay taxes, a larger sum of money is now required from everyone else to pay for these children.

Yes, people can argue, "They are people". Which, indeed, they are. However, if you are going to live in a country, don't fuck it over and freeload in the process.

Lastly, if you don't live in America, your opinions are pretty much null and void unless you have a steady knowledge of our politics and infrastructure, outside of all media of course.

i miss you ocean
Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
"Let's revolt in an already jacked America, yeah that will fix it."

A1 ideas from Ele right there.

When the system for change that's in place consistently fails you, what're you gonna do? Keep voting? For how long? People are fucking angry. Trump took advantage of that anger, acted the demagogue and now he's in power.

People don't have any faith in the system, that's why they voted for Trump - The guy that said he was going to fuck up the system.

Trump's not gonna solve America's problems. Even if we were to get some benevolent, all-knowing philosopher-king in charge (which Trump is not), not even that person could solve America's problems. There's too much momentum and too many forces at play that prevent change from happening. The president is not powerful enough to change this (and if he were to become that powerful, we'd have a dictator).

The powers that be do not want the sort of change that the people want. Eventually everyone's going to figure out that their voting for presidents changes nothing. That's when you're going to see mass dissent. Core systemic changes are required for America to turn itself around - Changes that no presidents are able to implement (even if they were willing). Change is going to require the American masses to stand up and say 'Enough of this shit'. This change will not be realised through Trump's presidency. The angry people will just get angrier and even more people will join them.

I guarantee it. Bookmark this post and, when the shit hit the fans, tell me I was right.

Originally Posted by Parrot
Lastly, if you don't live in America, your opinions are pretty much null and void unless you have a steady knowledge of our politics and infrastructure, outside of all media of course.

I've studied history, international relations and public policy extensively at university. I know how states (and just as importantly, people) work. More than a kid like you, at least.
Last edited by Ele; Mar 8, 2017 at 02:22 PM.
Lol, I don't need a degree to be politically involved.

I think you've seen way too many movies. Your ideas are so fucking unbelievably stupid, it's giving me a headache.

Yeah, trump won't solve our problems, you're right, America is way too far gone to fix. The only thing we can do is mediate. Our economy is fucked, and Trump is trying to fix it. He wants to protect the American people, and he's invested in our military. Sure, he won't be a great president. Hell, he probably won't be a good one. However, to say he is going to be a terrible one is pretty disappointing to me.

What are your ideas on travel bans and such?

i miss you ocean
Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
I think you've seen way too many movies. Your ideas are so fucking unbelievably stupid, it's giving me a headache.

You haven't countered anything I've written. You've just said 'hurr, that's dumb, durr'. This isn't how discussions work.

Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
Yeah, trump won't solve our problems, you're right, America is way too far gone to fix. The only thing we can do is mediate. Our economy is fucked, and Trump is trying to fix it. He wants to protect the American people, and he's invested in our military. Sure, he won't be a great president. Hell, he probably won't be a good one. However, to say he is going to be a terrible one is pretty disappointing to me.

Where did I say he was going to be a terrible president? I didn't. I even praised his scrapping of the TPP.

I'm glad you agree with the points I actually made though.

Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
What are your ideas on travel bans and such?

I gave them in the very first reply in this thread. From your first response in this thread, it seems like you agree with them.

'fucking unbelievably stupid' - Are you going to take that back? If not, actually counter my points. I won't accept 'bluerhuhg, ur DUMB, blurehgh' as a valid counter-argument.
The terrible president bit wasn't directed to you, just wanted to say it in general. You see all these democrats rioting and complaining, when you know for a fact that, if Hillary had won, nothing would have erupted from Republicans.

Fair enough. You are entitled to your opinions, and I don't wish to slander them. Was quite childish to say,, so I'll take back that statement. On a real note, a revolution would definitely catapult America into a civil war, more than be productive.

Undoubtedly, America is pretty divided at the moment. The mass dissent against our president isn't improving things, it's making them worse. The best thing the people can do is stand behind their president, and their country, in its time of need.

Trump firmly believes in putting America before all others which,in my opinion, is what it should always be. We've been fighting wars that are not ours for far too long, and we've lost money, and countless lives in the process.

I firmly believe that Trump is going about things the proper way, because there are so many issues with our current standing as a country that need to be worked out.

As for the economy, ever since Trump has become president, investors are more confident in stocks, which is helping us out slightly. I think that the Dow Jones has risen 1000+ points, and broke all time records since he took office. Of course, this could also be bad. It could potentially go awry if one little thing happens and everyone sells. It really just depends on the investors.

People attack him and say his ideas on taxes and such are far fetched, but they really aren't. Republicans believe that boosting corporations and economies will lift up the country, which is what he's doing.

So, I ask, what are your ideas on the tax breaks? Should richer people have to pay more? Or share an equal tax with everyone else?
Last edited by Fox; Mar 8, 2017 at 09:29 PM.

i miss you ocean
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
I've studied history, international relations and public policy extensively at university. I know how states (and just as importantly, people) work. More than a kid like you, at least.

I hope that toilet paper wasn't too expensive fam

In all seriousness, no one can fix America's problems. Social divisions can't simply be repaired, classes are pretty far apart, etc...

Don't forget that America has only existed for almost 240 years in this way, and really only been a world superpower for almost 100. Civilizations come and go, and our time will come just like the times of our ancestors. Technology doesn't make this any different, Aristotle has provided commentary on similar events from his time and they have a scary resemblance to what's currently going on. Trump was never the solution to anything other than finding the biggest salt mine in the world, and while I enjoy the man constantly shitting on stupid libcucks, I just don't see any solutions for the problems that exist in our society. Both sides want authoritarian governments, I'm just hoping that the one that hates me the least wins
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
Isn't Trump doing the same thing Hitler did?
Blaming the world's/country's problems mostly(kinda all) on a specific group(s) of people?
I don't follow him too much, but from what I've heard, he's blaming everything on immigrants,
so he wants to get rid of them for the most part...
It feels like he's doing/saying everything for his selfish and egotistical ideas and schemes..
Like Omi said, he cares not about the average America, nor America as a whole.

Maybe you should go back and re-learn what you know about WW2.

Maybe you should learn something about the current situation before you make judgments based on assumptions too. He hasn't blamed anything on any immigrants, immigration is not a right preserved by the constitution, and immigration policy changes drastically very often. Currently, the middle east is in turmoil, and while many immigrants from those countries are not affiliated with terrorist groups, the systems are not currently in place to protect the country adequately incase they are. As for illegals, they are not immigrants. They are illegally in the country. Like if I take a shit in your pool even though you have a fence with a no trespassing sign on it.
Last edited by Hyde; Mar 9, 2017 at 04:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
In all reality, his views on immigration I feel are more than justified. Our vetting process at the moment is pretty fucking terrible, which is why the travel ban was first put into place. America needs time to fix the horrid process, and make it safer for our OWN people, before we begin dealing with other people.

Do you know what the vetting process is and how long it takes to complete? Any refugee entering America had to go through the following steps:

Register with the United Nations
Get interviewed by a representative of the U.N. to affirm refugee status.
If affirmed as a refugee, they must be referred to resettle in the U.S.
If referred, they must be interviewed by a U.S. State Department contractor.
First background check occurs here.
If suspicions are aroused, a second, more thorough background check is performed afterwards.
Second background check, third if the extra background check was performed.
Fingerprint scanned and compared against U.S. database, photo taken.
Fingerprint screened again.
And again.
Immigration case reviewed by U.S. Immigration.
Syrians are subjected to a second review because of the volatility of the region.
Another interview, this time with a Homeland Security officer.
If approved by Homeland Security, screened for contagious diseases.
Cultural orientation class mandated to refugee.
Matched up with a resettlement group.
Security check by multiple agencies before leaving for the U.S.
Another security screening upon landing.

Congratulations, you've gone through the two year long vetting process. It's such a terrible system, because there's been literally 3 deaths caused by a terrorist refugee while these procedures have been in place since 1975, and these 3 were caused by Cubans who were admitted in the 70s before modern vetting processes were implemented in 1980, and would not have been stopped by the travel ban anyways.

Or that there are, on average, more deaths caused by native-born American terrorists compared to foreign-born terrorists each year since 1975, if we exclude 9/11 (which in turn was performed by people under tourism visas from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Lebanon, none of which were included under Trump's travel ban).

So ya, definitely a horrid process, and Trump's travel ban would have been wildly effective while reforming such a horrible vetting process. /s

Honestly, don't take anything Trump says at face value. He's a demagogue riding a wave of fear. He's going to say a lot of things that are factually incorrect, but feed the fear that sustains his power base.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Oh, you liberals crack me up.

If I wanted you to describe what a liberalist news source thinks it is, I would have checked this: Which, quite a surprise, is actually c/p from everything you just said.

You probably should have gotten your source from a neutral source, such as:

Yeah, its really hard to get into the USA with interviews that you can lie in. The fingerprint scan is a joke, because for some reason, you liberals believe that a fingerprint basically reveals all, which it doesn't. Only if the person has already had a fingerprint entered into the database will show up, so it's pretty much useless. There really isn't much to our vetting system at all. He isn't riding a wave of fear. He's trying to piece America back together because all the democrats are flipping out. I sure as hell you have something else to criticize him for, because you are off to a bad start.

i miss you ocean