Original Post
Use Custom 3D models during mod making
-- You could add a 2v2 Match mode and a 2v2 Tournament mode which for me and my friends would be really cool.
-- You could add the ability to import 3d models whilst making a mod
-- You could add importing 3d models on our Toris up to polygon limit. (Anywhere on our body)

Kore Moderated Message:
The crossed out ones already exist/break the rules of the board, I cleaned up replys and the user has been warned
Last edited by Kore; Apr 26, 2017 at 05:59 PM.
"Life's full of colours,and you're a unique one,so don't give up" ClauIsTehShet, 2017
Looks like this is no longer a suggestion as it's already been implemented

If you are unsure on how to use it, see pouffy's modmaker docs or maybe make a rapid thread
