Christmas Lottery
Vin, I Have all set to participate, but I know you are really busy in real life and cant give this project time, you disappeared twice and for long periods.
I would so do it for you, but I know it will fail.
Vin, you know that flyingmonk is strategically hiding his 3d Models to win this request.

I can see a war about this.
I will wait flyingMonk entry before anything.
I think alot of artists working on this secretly but it would be nice to know who is participating for sure.

This request isn't about who is the best artist, rather instead it is about "you" and your creativity and uniqueness and the story and meaning behind the set you created.

I am more invested in the emotional side of the set what I mean by this is how the set represents "you" and your personal life and the meaning behind it is far more valuable than having a nice looking set.

sure flyingmonk makes good looking sets but if it doesn't have any meaning or representation of himself and his life then I find the set absolutely worthless.
Dengue please do not be discourage feel free to work away this is not a contest about who makes the best looking set instead its about the story of "you" and your personal life. In this request I want to allow you to be as creative and unique as you possibly can while linking it to your personal life in order to provide the set with a sense of meaning and not some worthless piece of good looking art.

*the set must provide a sense of meaning and represents "you" as an artists and relates to what you have been through in your personal lives*

Who's participating?
Last edited by Hi; May 1, 2017 at 08:08 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Okay hold on, why are people bashing this guy..? Am I reading this wrong?
This person is holding up 100$ over all of your heads, and simply says, "draw some shit for a dead game, make it about you and give it emotion, slap my name on it and this 100$ you could buy 100 non tax dollar tree items with is yours." and you're all bashing this and saying "I'll pass." Why? Is there any valid reason other than your own superstition? If I was an artist, I'd hop on this. Even if he charged the money back afterwards, it's good practice, gives you something to do, etc.
Nobody want to waste time without return.
if you are young and have time, go do it.
Many toribash artists are Old and are leaving this game.