Money buys happiness until you earn over $75,000 in a year.
Just look at this graph


Basically, you need a certain amount to live a comfortable (happy) life, but once you have enough to live comfortable, happiness is a personal thing.
My way or no way, totalatarian.
The 100 wont make their mother not die the day earlier. So maybe not in this case. Depending on factors.

Happiness is part of the human archetype like any other emotion, and can come through all manner of stimuli, criteria. These stimuli and criteria being ever varied in humans, will make this infinitely debatable, however by the nature of us all money could/can create and be the tool of happiness. Perhaps in some of the more warped or cynical minds of men, literal money/idea of money can translate to physiological 'happiness'

So, yes it can.
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Money itself doesn't buy happiness, succeeding in society does. Money is a good indicator of an individual's success.
Originally Posted by Flame View Post
if you get something you want , your happy
how did you get that thing? by using money


this is not off-topic, so make your arguments more solid please.
SmallBowl Moderated Message:
Thats not a rule, regardless youre not a moderator dont moderate please

let's say you really want to get a gaming rig, and by saving up a lot of money, you eventually build one and you're super happy.
now, after a month or two, happiness levels go back to normal.
money = happiness, but it's temporary.

So, placing your happiness in temporary, fleeting moments will make your happiness just the same. It's like chasing a high.
But placing them in permanent, long lasting principles and values goes a long way. Having a great relationship with your family, giving to others not for the sake of showing off, but just for the sake of giving, a sense of calm and peace, taking care of your body and mind, etc.
There are many such things. Most people dismiss them as 'little' things and chase the money.

Look into this. I know most people didn't from my last post, but this one is a 75 year study of 268 physically and mentally healthy people.

Originally Posted by Sunther View Post
Try giving someone a random $100
Let's see if they'll be sad

Again, not off-topic.
This is flawed logic. It's the same as saying:
"Try giving someone a plate of cookies and milk. Let's see if they'll be sad."
Of course they won't be sad. They'll be happy for approximately 15-30 minutes. Same thing with money, the happiness just lasts a bit longer but nonetheless it is temporary.
Last edited by SmallBowl; May 21, 2017 at 06:06 PM.