1k ivory force
800 acid force
1,5k both acid laxes
1k adamantium force
1,5k adamantium lax
800 both aqua forces
250 aqua lax
8k blosssom force
5k blossom lax
3k boreal force
4k boreal force
1k camo force
800 camo lax
600 ecto force
300 ecto lax
4k both bowties (used to be 5k in torishop)
1,2k 3x ivory laxes
7k hunter force
4k both gold forces
2,5k both gold laxes
20k hawk force
18k magma force
1,2k 3x kiai
24k both pure forces
14k 3x pure laxes
16k both quicksilver forces
2k spiky hair
25k full cell shading
13k static force
15k static lax
total: 196.45k
joope1: spiky hair, kiais, bowties and cell shading for 32.2k sounds good
Don't want to sell forces and relaxes alone, I'll be left with a lot of useless misc items that no one wants to buy then. Buy all items of each color?
Aikido World Championship 2013 Ticket, World Championships 2008, monk, warrior 25k?