Originally Posted by
Your senses do not dictate reality. They dictate your experience of reality, but they do not dictate reality. Reality exists independent of your senses (reality existed before you were born and will continue to exist after you die). This sort of thinking is dangerously close to solipsism.
This is where I go back to the idea of collective unconscious.
Well it is solipsism. If reality existed independent of my senses, what proof do I have of that other than my senses?
Originally Posted by
You remind me of a uni mate I still occasionally interact with on Facebook. He's big into his psychedelics too and quotes ol' Terence like any good modern hippy. Every now and again I gotta bring him back down to Earth.
There's something to be said for having an open mind, but open it up too far and all sorts of weird shit starts leaking in. Don't view this as me attacking you, view it as me genuinely trying to help you.
I like how you view my thinking as harmful. It's actually quite humorous. No, believe me bro. I was the exact same way before I started experiencing really out there shit happening in my life. Like biblical quotes written on the wall perfectly fitting into the context of the situation I faced, people I had known forever ago meeting up in weird times in my life, thoughts I had months, years, or days ago manifesting in the most random ways. Conversations I've had with shamanistic people, learning Qi-gong, experiencing Deja Vu in weird checkpoints of my life where I found myself maturing and growing up. Visions of Alex Grey paintings and St Germaine's ascension through third eye meditation, etc.
It's very much a everything is and everything isn't kind of thing, I believe. I don't go too far into the 'everything is fake' head trip, but I don't allow the ego to be so attached to the world to think that it needs to hold on to something that is so ever changing and fluid. I find a center between the two and engage life in that mindset.
Edit: I feel as if there's a big misconception here on my actual intelligence and disposition because I'm playing the devil's advocate here with the spiritual talk. But believe me when I say I've been on the opposite of the argument plenty of times as an egotistical atheist.
Originally Posted by
If you swallow the idea that art is beyond science and reason, and there are ideas that cannot be translated into words, you must accept that there is something bigger that we cannot understand. If that isn't the definition of God I don't know what is.
S a v a g e
Edit: That's another thing, you guys are completely ignoring the repeatable visions, symbols, and archetypes that pop up in many grand mal psychedelic trips. There's a reason why Alex Grey paints the shit that he does, there's a reason why people recite violet flame mantras, there's a reason why people talk of sacred geometry so much. It can't just all be ingrained in our own brains with the evolutionary timeline spreading as far as it does. It /has/ to come from somewhere. Like the study done on Japanese monkeys from Mt. Fuji attempting to wash and eat sweet potatoes. The researchers saw that the monkeys had started chilling in Fuji's hot springs a couple of hundred years ago when they had witnessed humans doing it.
So they attempted to give them dirty sweet potatoes and teach them how to wash them and eat it. Also to see if they could spread the information around and teach the group. They did. So the researchers move onto another island completely separate, but within the same vicinity from the other to attempt this experiment.
Despite never conducting the experiment, all the monkeys already knew how to wash sweet potatoes.
Edit: Another thing, if people aren't asking for your help. And if you think 'helping' someone is flexing your own ego at them, attempting to invalidate their opinion as drug-fueled rambling, you got too much to work with in your own head to be working in mine brah.
Last edited by Xer0; Jul 6, 2017 at 08:43 PM.